Chapter - 22

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For the next week, Y/N purposefully avoided any interactions with Taehyung. He made multiple attempts to talk to her, to apologize and explain himself, but each time she simply walked away, refusing to engage with him.

Taehyung felt a deep sense of frustration and guilt, regretting his words and actions that had caused such a divide between them. He longed for a chance to reconcile and make amends, but it seemed that Y/N was not ready to hear him out.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the exams, everyone began handing their papers to the invigilator. Y/N, relieved that the exams were finally over, made her way to the library, eager to find some books for studying. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realize that it had already become evening.

Y/N gathered all the books she needed and walked towards the counter, her footsteps echoing softly in the quiet library. Jin looked up and smiled, ready to assist her with the checkout process. Y/N placed the stack of books on the counter, anticipation filling her as she prepared herself for the long hours of studying ahead.

"Hey, how were the exams?" Jin asked as Y/N approached the counter.

"Not bad," she replied, a hint of relief in her voice. "Can I take these books?" Y/N showed him the books she had selected.

Jin took the books and quickly noted down their details in the library register. Then, he motioned for Y/N to sign her name on the register for the borrowed books.

"There you go," he said, handing the books back to her with a friendly smile. Y/N thanked him and carefully placed the books in her bag, ready to immerse herself in the world of studying once again.

Suddenly, someone called out her name from behind. Instantly recognizing the voice, she let out a sigh, knowing very well who it was. She made a decision to ignore him and continued walking.

"Y/N, wait," he said, his voice filled with urgency, as he reached out and grabbed her hand, bringing her to a halt.

"What do you want?" she asked in a monotone voice, her demeanor guarded and distant. Y/N tried to pull her hand away, wanting to maintain her distance from him.

"I want to talk-" he started to say, but Y/N interrupted him, her tone firm and dismissive. "I am busy, bye," she said, already turning away to leave.

However, before she could make her escape, he suddenly pinned her against the wall, his actions assertive and unexpected. Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she felt the closeness between them.

"Stop. Avoiding. Me." His deep husky voice send a shiver down her spine. She swallowed nervously, feeling a wave of unfamiliar sensations washing over her, causing her to question her usual composure.

"I'm sorry, alright?" he started to apologize, his voice filled with remorse. "I got angry when you got yourself into trouble. I didn't mean to—"

But Y/N cut him off, her voice now tinged with sarcasm. "Don't worry about it. It's not like I am someone to you," she mocked, echoing his own hurtful words that were exchanged during their argument.

"Just stop it right there, Y/N. You are special to me, and you know that," he pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity. "I already apologized. Please, just forgive me. I will do anything you want-"

"Anything?" she interrupted, raising her eyebrows inquisitively.

"Anything," he affirmed without hesitation.

"Then leave hold of my hand first," she stated firmly, and he immediately complied, withdrawing his hands from her.

"I want a piggyback ride," she said, her voice laced with a mischievous tone, as Taehyung looked at her with surprise.

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