Chapter - 8

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Y/N walked into her room and pushed the door open, her eyes falling on Yuna lying on the bed engrossed in a book. Yuna glanced up from her reading to see Y/N standing in the doorway, a concerned expression on her face. Setting the book aside, Yuna got up from the bed and made her way towards Y/N.

"Are you alright? Do you have a fever?" Yuna inquired, reaching out to gently touch Y/N's forehead, checking for any signs of illness.

"No," Y/N replied, removing Yuna's hands from her forehead.

Yuna raised an eyebrow, noticing Y/N's flushed cheeks. "Then, why are you looking like a tomato? Did you encounter Jungkook ssi on the way?" she asked teasingly, a playful glint in her eyes. Y/N shook her head in response, signaling that she had not seen Jungkook.

"Then what happened? Did Kim Taehyung pull another prank on you? Last time I checked, you were chasing him," Yuna speculated, a playful smile dancing on her lips as she teased Y/N.

"Nothing happened. Will you please stop questioning me?" Y/N responded, rolling her eyes as she turned to walk away, the hint of exasperation evident in her tone.

Yuna watched Y/N's retreating figure, a puzzled expression flitting across her features. "What had gotten into her? She is acting so weird," Yuna thought to herself before shaking her head and deciding to leave the matter for later, settling back onto the bed with her book, her mind still wondering about her friend's mysterious behavior.


FLASHBACK {2 hr before Irene's death}

"Irene-ah, just leave it. He doesn't deserve you," Jennie said, patting Irene consolingly as she sat beside her.

Sehun, who had just entered the party room, inquired about the situation. "What's the new problem? Fought with her boyfriend again?" Jennie nodded in confirmation, a look of frustration evident on her face.

"He is such a jerk, isn't he? It's the third time this month. What's his problem?" Sehun remarked, expressing his disapproval of Irene's boyfriend.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that," Irene said, her voice filled with anger and hurt, as she grabbed Sehun's collar, her grip tight and her eyes burning with intensity.

Jennie, alarmed by Irene's sudden outburst, quickly intervened and attempted to pull Irene away from Sehun. "Irene, stop it. What are you doing?" Jennie pleaded, her voice tinged with concern.

Irene slowly released her grip on Sehun, her hands trembling as she took a step back. She looked at her hands, realizing the force of her actions, and her expression softened with remorse. "Sorry, I'm not in a good mood," she muttered, her voice laced with regret, before turning to walk away.

However, Jennie, unwilling to let Irene face her troubles alone, swiftly grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving.

"Are you alright? We can talk," Jennie expressed with concern etched on her face, reaching out to offer her support.

Irene sighed, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and sadness. "I am fine, Jennie. I just want to be alone for some time," she replied, her words tinged with a hint of vulnerability. Resolute, Irene turned away and walked out of the room, seeking solace in the solitude and quietude that awaited her outside.


"Hey, what are you doing here alone?" a voice called out to Irene, breaking her solitude. She turned to see someone she recognized approaching her.

"You? What do you want?" Irene questioned, her tone laced with annoyance as she rolled her eyes.

The person, undeterred by her response, held out a drink to her and spoke with a slight smirk. "Someone is angry. Want some drink?"

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