Chapter - 1

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Y/N stood near the window of her room, drawn to the captivating sight of the morning sunlight piercing through the window and curtains. With curiosity and anticipation, she gently pulled the curtains aside, revealing the dazzling display of white rays flooding the room. As she lifted the mug to her lips, relishing the warmth of her coffee, a sudden gasp shattered the tranquility of the moment, startling her to the point of nearly spilling the precious liquid onto her delicate nightdress.

"Hey, you okay?" Y/N turned her gaze towards the source of the gasp and found her roommate sitting on her bed, still groggy from just waking up. Baffled by her roommate's reaction, Y/N furrowed her brows in concern, wondering what could have caused such a startled response from her still-half-asleep companion.

"Yeah, just a nightmare," her roommate replied, her voice slightly shaky as she placed a hand on her chest, attempting to calm her racing heart.

"Of course. Why don't you watch another horror movie at midnight, Miss Yuna?" Y/N asked, her voice laced with sarcasm, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Yuna rolled her eyes at Y/N's comment, choosing not to engage in playful banter at the moment.


The hall of Seoul University buzzed with the lively energy of students. Conversations filled the air as laughter and joyful banter echoed throughout the bustling corridor. Each group of friends seemed engrossed in their own animated discussions, their faces illuminated with bright smiles and animated gestures.

Y/N and her friends weaved through the bustling crowds, their laughter blending harmoniously with the lively chatter in the air. As they made their way, a sudden obstacle emerged in their path - a leg stretched out as if in an attempt to trip Y/N. However, with quick reflexes honed by experience, Y/N effortlessly dodged the unexpected attack, seamlessly maneuvering herself out of harm's way.

"Good morning Mr. Kim Taehyung ssi~" Y/N sang, unable to resist a playful dig as she walked past the owner of the leg, not sparing him a second glance. Her tone carried a hint of mock admiration, fueling her friends' amusement as they strolled away, leaving the bewildered owner of the leg standing in their wake.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment after his failed attempt to trip Y/N. Despite his best effort to maintain composure, a hint of frustration crossed his expression, evident in the subtle furrowing of his brows. As his friend struggled to stifle their amusement, the sound of laughter burst forth, exacerbating Taehyung's annoyance and deepening his scowl.

"Jimin, I swear to God, if you don't sto-" Taehyung's voice trailed off as his frustration peaked, his hands instinctively jerking forward in a moment of anger. However, Jimin swiftly averted disaster by crossing his hands in front of his face, providing a comical yet effective defense.

"Ok- I'm- sorry. Don't- kill me-" Jimin managed to say between breaths, his laughter gradually subsiding after a prolonged fit. He made a valiant effort to compose himself, a hint of remorse evident in his eyes as he realized the potential consequences of his teasing. Taehyung, though still slightly irked, couldn't help but crack a smile, the tension dissolving as he acknowledged the genuine apology and recognized the underlying humor in the situation.

"Taehyung-ah," Jimin called out after a few minutes of shared silence, the lingering traces of laughter still evident in his voice. Taehyung offered a gentle hum in response, signaling his attention. Curiosity sparked in his eyes as he turned towards his friend, awaiting whatever Jimin had to say. The previous mishap already fading into the background as their friendship took precedence.

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