Chapter - 2

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The cafeteria resembled a bustling marketplace, chaotic and alive with the energy of restless students. A symphony of voices filled the air, blending with the clatter of trays and the shuffle of hurried footsteps. Food trays wobbled precariously in the hands of latecomers, who weaved through the crowd, backpacks swinging wildly and a look of urgency etched on their faces.

Jungkook shut the book he had been reading and proceeded to tidy up the scattered pile of books on his table. They were in disarray, strewn about without any particular order. With a determined purpose, he carefully arranged each book into a restoring order.

"Argh, come on Y/N-ah! I understand you like him, but aren't you bored staring at him like he is some kind of painting or something?" a poor boy whined at Y/N as she remained entranced, her gaze locked onto Jungkook, as if he were an exquisite work of art.

"Good thing she is busy staring at him, Beomgyu-ah," Yuna chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Otherwise, you would have died right now." Beomgyu let out a nervous laugh, stealing a quick glance at Y/N, who was completely absorbed in watching Jungkook. The relief was evident on Beomgyu's face, grateful for Y/N's distraction that saved him from an embarrassing moment.

"Shut up, you two. Let me concentrate," Y/N snapped at her annoying friends, her tone sharp. She refused to tear her gaze away from Jungkook, oblivious to her friends' banter. A smile flickered on her lips, unknowingly revealing her captivation with the mesmerizing sight before her.

"That's it. I am going-" Beomgyu started, mustering up the courage to confront the situation, but as he caught Y/N's intense glare, his words trailed off. He slowly sank back into his seat, swallowing hard, realizing it was wiser to retreat than to challenge Y/N's unwavering focus on Jungkook.

"God, this girl is scary sometimes," Beomgyu murmured to Yuna, his voice tinged with both amusement and apprehension. He cast a pout in Y/N's direction, silently expressing his mock dissatisfaction at her stern demeanor. Yuna couldn't hold back a giggle, nodding in agreement, understanding the mixed feelings of amusement and caution that Beomgyu felt towards their fierce friend..

Y/N was about to reply, her lips parting to form words, when a sweet voice halted her in her tracks. Caught up in their banter, neither Y/N nor Beomgyu noticed the presence of someone standing near their table.

"Excuse me," the voice politely interrupted.

Startled, Y/N and Beomgyu finally looked up, their eyes widening in disbelief as they beheld the one and only Jungkook, a gentle smile gracing his lips. Y/N sat there frozen, her mind struggling to process the enormity of what was happening before her.

"Y/N-ah, he is talking to you," Yuna whispered urgently, her words snapping Y/N out of her stunned state.

"Huh? Yeah. Um- what were you saying?" Y/N asked Jungkook, her words slightly faltering as she struggled to regain her composure. Her surprise was evident, her eyes wide and her heart pounding, as she tried to process the unexpected encounter with Jungkook..

"Can you help me take these books to the library? I can't take them all by myself," Jungkook asked, pointing towards the books strewn across his table.

"Yeah, sure," Y/N replied, her eyes lighting up with excitement. With a quick burst of energy, she eagerly rose from her seat, ready to assist Jungkook in carrying the books to the library. Her heart fluttered with anticipation as she stepped closer to him, eagerly awaiting the chance to share a moment with the person who had captured her attention for so long.

"Y/N, we have to go to cl-" Yuna started, but Y/N interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

"I will come later. You guys go," Y/N declared with determination. Ignoring any objections, she swiftly made her way towards Jungkook's table, leaving her friends behind. Her steps were filled with anticipation, her focus solely on the chance to accompany Jungkook to the library.

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