Chapter - 27

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"Jaemin-ssi? So... you are the killer?" Y/N asked, her voice trembling in disbelief as she struggled to come to terms with the shocking truth.

"Yes, it was me, Y/N-ssi," he replied with a calm smile, his eyes holding a glint of mischief that sent shivers down her spine.

"I have to admit, you are much cleverer than those investigation officers. Sadly, you never doubted me... even after seeing me at the library," he said, his words echoing in Y/N's mind as a flood of memories rushed back to her. She remembered the times she had crossed paths with Jaemin, the encounters that she had dismissed as mere coincidence. Now, it was clear that he had been hiding in plain sight all along.


As Y/N turned around, she came face to face with Jungkook, a puzzled expression etched on his face. His quickened breath indicated that he had hurried to reach her.

"Um... Jungkook ssi?" Y/N responded, still trying to process the encounter with Sehun and the questions lingering in her mind.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, his brows furrowing with genuine curiosity and concern.

"I..." Y/N hesitated, uncertain of how much to reveal.

"Who is there?" A voice interrupted them, drawing their attention to the side. They turned to see Jaemin, one of their classmates, looking at them with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"Ah, you two? What are you doing here during class time?" Jaemin questioned, a slight tilt of confusion in his voice.

Y/N quickly composed herself, holding up the book in her hand. "Ah, Jaemin ssi, Mrs. Park asked me to bring this book back to the library. Do you happen to know where Jin ssi is?"

"Give it to me, I will tell him when he comes back," he spoke with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of excitement.

"Oh, ok. Here," she responded, handing over the book before gracefully departing from the scene, showing little interest in engaging with Jungkook.


"Why?" Y/N asked, her voice filled with a mix of fear and confusion.

"I wa-" Jaemin began to explain, but their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Panic surged through Y/N's veins, and she instinctively tried to flee. However, Jaemin swiftly caught her, his hand firmly covering her mouth as he pulled her behind a nearby bookshelf, hiding them from view.

"Not that fast," he whispered, his tone ominously calm.

On the other side of the library, Taehyung and Jungkook entered, their voices echoing through the empty space.

"Y/N? Where did this girl go?" Taehyung asked anxiously.

"Call her," Jungkook suggested, and Taehyung immediately pulled out his phone, urgently dialing Y/N's number.

As Jaemin took Y/N's phone from her pocket, he realized it was on silent, rendering Taehyung's attempts to reach her futile. A sinister chuckle escaped his lips, relishing in the irony of the situation.

Panicking, Y/N attempted to make a sound, to alert Taehyung and Jungkook of her distress, but before she could utter a word, Jaemin swiftly pulled out a syringe, his actions swift and cold. With a chilling calmness, he injected her with the unknown substance, causing Y/N's vision to blur and her consciousness to fade away, succumbing to the darkness of unconsciousness.


Y/N's eyes fluttered open only to be met with the oppressive darkness of the room. As her vision adjusted, she realized she was bound to a chair, her hands and legs tightly secured. Panic surged through her as she struggled against her restraints.

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