Chapter - 21

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Taehyung's reflection stared back at him with a mix of frustration and longing. The weight of their unresolved conflict with Y/N hung heavily in the air, making the atmosphere in the washroom feel suffocating. As he ran a hand through his hair, a deep sigh escaped his lips, the tension in his body palpable.

"Why is she so stubborn?" he muttered to himself, the question lingering in the quiet space. The pain of their strained relationship gnawed at him, and the thought of Y/N being unbothered only added to his frustration. The urge to find a resolution grew stronger within him as he tried to gather his thoughts.

Taehyung's frustration boiled over as he let out a guttural growl, his hand tightening around his hair in a gesture of desperation. "Why can't she understand that I care about her?" he muttered, the weight of his emotions evident in his voice.

The sound of the door opening startled him, and he turned to see Eunwoo emerging from the cubicle. Eunwoo's presence brought a sense of calm, his caring gaze meeting Taehyung's troubled eyes.

"Hyung, it's both of you are at fault. Accusing each other is not going to solve the problem. One of you have to step forward and talk it out." Eunwoo advised with a small smile before walking outside.


Y/N's fingertips gingerly pressed against the paper, leaving faint ink marks as she meticulously scribbled down her thoughts. The  sunlight cast a warm glow over her room, lending an air of intrigue to the scene. As her mind raced with speculations and possibilities, she couldn't shake the unsettling feeling gnawing at her gut.



1. Irene ssi
2. Sehun ssi
3. Soobin ssi


• Blue Eyes
• Black outfit and mask
• Our age




Ryujin ssi? Jennie ssi?



Her intuition whispered its ominous whispers, revealing unsettling conclusions. Ryujin ssi or Jennie ssi – one of them could potentially become the next victim. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed with concern as she wondered what these individuals might have done to provoke such a level of anger within someone.

Searching for answers and clarity, Y/N knew only one path lay ahead. To delve deeper and to uncover the truth she have to confront Ryujin ssi and Jennie ssi, as only they held the key to unmasking the dark secrets that had stirred someone's murderous intentions.


As Y/N entered the library, the silence was broken by the hush of whispers and the rustling of pages. Every pair of eyes turned towards her, making her feel like she was under a spotlight. Ignoring the stares, she scanned the room until she spotted Jennie and Ryujin sitting at a table in the back. With determination, Y/N weaved through the aisles of books, her steps echoing on the polished floors.

"Excuse me?" Y/N asked politely, causing Jennie and Ryujin to look at her with curiosity in their eyes.

"Can I talk to you two alone?" she asked nervously, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Why should we? Who knows if you were the killer?" Ryujin questioned, her tone sharp and accusatory, suspicion evident in her gaze.

"Do you think I will call you in front of the whole students if I want to kill you? And why would you think I am a killer?" Y/N narrowed her eyes, confused by the accusation.

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