Chapter - 20

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Jackson sat across from Namjoon, a cup of tea in his hand, his curiosity piqued by the envelope he had noticed. Eager to satisfy his inquisitiveness, he questioned, "What was in that envelope?"

Namjoon took a thoughtful sip of his tea before responding, "My number card."

A look of confusion crossed Jackson's face as he questioned Namjoon's decision, "Why would you give her your number? Especially considering she firmly stated that we can't find the killer?"

"She knows something about the killer and she is going to find him by herself," Namjoon asserted, his tone laden with conviction. The statement caught Jackson off guard, causing him to nearly spill his coffee in surprise.

"Isn't that dangerous? Something could happen to her," Jackson exclaimed, his voice laced with concern and bewilderment.

Namjoon nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "That's why I gave her my number. Just in case," he explained, emphasizing the importance of their connection and the precautionary measure he had taken.

"Is there no way to stop her?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry as his brow furrowed in concern. "She is going to get herself in danger."

Namjoon sighed, his own unease showing in the furrow of his brow. "I know," he replied. "All I can do is tell her. I don't know if she is going to listen and stop this." The weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders, knowing that despite his best efforts, he may not be able to prevent her from putting herself at risk.

The room fell into a heavy silence as they both contemplated the possible consequences of her actions. Jackson glanced out the window, feeling a sense of helplessness wash over him. "I hope she comes to her senses before it's too late," he muttered, a sense of urgency in his voice. Namjoon nodded grimly, his mind already racing with thoughts of how to protect her from harm.


"In the bustling cafeteria, Jimin facepalmed himself, frustrated as his patience wearing thin. "Will you stop sighing? It's annoying," he snapped, irritation evident in his tone. Taehyung, on the other hand, shot him a glare in response, feeling defensive.

"What? Is it my fault you fought with her?" Jimin questioned, his voice tinged with impatience as he tried to make sense of the situation.

"What she did was wrong-" Taehyung's attempt to explain was quickly cut off by Jimin's pointed remark, highlighting the need for accountability.

"Don't you think what you did was wrong? Just go and apologize already," Jimin urged, his tone firm and resolute. The clatter of trays and lively conversations provided a backdrop to their heated conversation, emphasizing the urgency of resolving the conflict.

"She is not here," he said, glancing at her friends seated at the table.

"Go to her room then," he advised, urging him to take the first step towards reconciliation.

His hesitation was met with a blunt response as the pressure mounted. "But why should I apologize, isn't it her fau-" Taehyung started, attempting to assign blame elsewhere. However, before he could finish his sentence, Jimin interrupted with a final warning, his voice raised in frustration.

"You know what? do whatever you want. But, don't come to me crying at the end," Jimin's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the consequences of inaction. With a heavy sigh, he rose from his seat, walking away with purpose. The sudden tension had not gone unnoticed by others as curious gazes lingered on their now vacant table, leaving a palpable sense of unease in the air.


"What are you doing here this late?" Jungkook inquired, stepping to the edge of the rooftop where Y/N stood. They were both enveloped by the quiet night, the city lights twinkling below.

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