Chapter - 28

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Taehyung's frustration grew as he tried to call Y/N again, his impatience beginning to show. He paced back and forth by the library counter, anxiously waiting for her to answer the call.

"The person you are trying to call is currently switched off. Please try ag..." the automated message confirmed that Sooya's phone was switched off.

"Hyung, her phone is switched off. Where could she have gone?" Taehyung asked, frustration lacing his voice as he paced restlessly around the library counter, his mind ra mind racing with worry and questions about her whereabouts.

"Calm down, Tae," Jin reassured, placing a comforting hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"We can search for her. She must be somewhere nearby," Eunwoo added, his voice filled with determination as the rest of the group nodded in agreement.


Jaemin stood before Y/N, his captive, a look of desperation and anger in his eyes. "All she wanted was a good job, to take care of me and our mother," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "But they took her away from me."

Y/N could see the pain and hurt in Jaemin's eyes as he spoke, and she could feel the tension in the air between them. "Now, tell me," Jaemin continued, his voice filled with rage. "Do they deserve to live?"

"As you know everything now, stay away." Jaemin's words cut through the tense atmosphere, his voice cold and unforgiving as he warned. "I will leave you after my work is done," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Try to do something funny, I will kill you."

"Oh, and your boyfriend kept calling you. At last I switched it off." Y/N felt a chill run down her spine as Jaemin mentioned her boyfriend, the thought of Taehyung trying to reach her only to have his calls unanswered filled her with dread.

As Jaemin left, Y/N's eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for any object that could help her escape. Her heart pounded in her chest as she noticed shattered glass pieces scattered on the floor. With a surge of adrenaline, she braced herself and began to shake the chair she was tied to, causing it to topple over.

Miraculously, the glass pieces avoided her face as she carefully navigated the sharp debris. Spotting a glass piece within reach, Y/N grabbed it and skillfully cut through the rope binding her wrists. With the bindings now loose, she quickly freed herself and began to plan her escape, her mind racing with thoughts of how to get out of this dangerous situation.

Feeling a sense of desperation, Y/N attempted to open the door, only to find it was locked tightly. Her eyes landed on her phone lying on the nearby table, and she quickly picked it up, hoping to reach out for help. With a glimmer of hope, she switched on the phone, but her heart sank when she saw no signal.

Determined not to give up, Y/N scanned the room again, her eyes landing on a small vent on the ceiling. Realizing it might be her only way out, she pushed a nearby chair under the vent and climbed up to get a closer look. With a renewed sense of determination, she knew that escaping through the vent was her best chance at freedom.

With quick thinking, she hoisted herself up and began crawling through the narrow vent, her heart racing with each twist and turn.

After what felt like an eternity, she saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. With newfound determination, she pushed herself forward, moving as quickly as she could towards the exit. Finally, she emerged from the vent, standing up to realize she was at the backside of the library, a mix of relief and uncertainty washing over her.

As Y/N emerged from the backside of the library, the realization of the passing time struck her. "How much time did I pass out? It's already night?" she thought, noticing the darkness that enveloped the surroundings.

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