Chapter - 9

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Y/N had been anxiously waiting for the end of the class. As Mrs. Park left, there was a collective sigh of relief from the students. Y/N stretched her arms above her head, feeling the tension melt away.

"Thank goodness that's over," Y/N exclaimed to her friend sitting next to her.

The classroom suddenly felt like a weight had been lifted off everyone's shoulders as Y/N packed up her things before she made her way to the cafeteria along with Yuna, their laughter filling the air as they chatted about their plans for the rest of the day. As they entered the bustling cafeteria, they spotted Beomgyu and two others sitting at their usual table.

"Hey, what's up?" Y/N greeted them with a high-five, her energy infectious.

"Not much. How about you two?" Eunwoo replied casually, a small smile on his face.

"Ugh, so boring," Y/N and Yuna replied in perfect unison, earning a chuckle from their friends.

Y/N and Yuna settled in at the table with Beomgyu, Eunwoo, and Jaehyun, the lively conversation flowing as they enjoyed their meal together. As they chatted and ate, Y/N noticed Eunwoo nudge Jaehyun and exchange a meaningful glance, piquing her curiosity.

Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion but decided to let it go for the time being, focusing instead on her food. However, Jaehyun's voice calling her name brought her attention back to the group.

"Y/N-ah," Jaehyun called out, causing Y/N to hum in response as she took a sip of her drink, wondering what he had to say.

A sudden hush fell over the table as everyone's head turned towards Y/N, as everyone set aside their food, their full attention now on the conversation about to unfold.

"When are you going to confess your feelings for Jungkook?" Jaehyun's question finally broke the silence, causing Y/N to be taken aback. In her surprise, the water in her mouth sprayed out, landing on Eunwoo's face.

"Omo, sorry," Y/N apologized, her face turning beet red as she quickly grabbed a tissue to help clean up the unintentional mess she had made on Eunwoo's face.

"It's okay. I'm fine," Eunwoo said, offering a tight-lipped smile as he accepted Y/N's apology and wiped his face clean.

The tension in the air remained palpable as Jaehyun continued to look at Y/N expectantly, waiting for her answer. Y/N struggled to find the right words, her fingers nervously fidgeting as she spoke.

"I... I don't know," she stammered, her voice soft and unsure. "I'm just not ready yet."

Jaehyun's gaze intensified, and he leaned in slightly, urging Y/N to open up. "Come on, Y/N. Just admit you're scared," Eunwoo chimed in, rolling his eyes playfully.

However, unbeknownst to Y/N, deep inside, her friends were all secretly hoping for her to confess her feelings for Jungkook. They had grown tired of seeing her pine for him from a distance and decided to challenge her a bit.

"W- why should I be sca- scared? I will prove you wrong," Y/N retorted with determination, abruptly getting up from her seat. Her heart pounding in her chest, she took a deep breath before walking purposefully towards Jungkook's table.

The group fell into a curious silence as Y/N approached, each step filled with both anticipation and nervousness. Her friends watched with bated breath, encouraging her silently, and hoping that this would be the moment where Y/N would gather the courage to finally express her true feelings.

"Jungkook ssi," Y/N called out, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nerves.

Jungkook looked up from his seat to see Y/N standing next to him, a slight surprise crossing his face.

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