Chapter - 26

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Yoongi walked towards the storeroom to put his tools away when someone suddenly caught his hand, causing him to turn in surprise.

"Hyung," the stranger called out, their voice filled with desperation.

"Huh? Who are you?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm Jimin. I lost my friends on the way," the newcomer explained, nervously glancing around.

"And why are you telling me that?" Yoongi replied, annoyance lacing his voice as he questioned the stranger's motives. Suspicion gnawed at Yoongi as he wondered if Jimin could be trusted, his guard raised in this unfamiliar situation.

"Um - I - I am afraid to go back alone. Can you -" Jimin stuttered, his voice filled with desperation.

"No," Yoongi cut him off abruptly, his tone cold and unwavering.

"But I haven't -" Jimin attempted to plead his case.

"Whatever it is, my answer is no," Yoongi stated firmly, his patience wearing thin.

"Please," Jimin begged, his voice trembling with fear.

"No," Yoongi repeated, his response resolute and final. The tension hung heavy in the air as the two of them faced off, uncertainty and mistrust casting a shadow over their interaction.

"What if I encounter the killer on my way? He will kill me," Jimin pleaded, his voice trembling as he gazed up at Yoongi with wide, pleading eyes.

"Do I look like I care?" Yoongi replied callously, shaking his head as he started to walk past Jimin, displaying no sympathy or concern.

"Hyung, please," Jimin whined, desperation seeping into his voice.

"Look kid, I am already tired. Don't make me angry," Yoongi warned, his patience wearing thin as he continued to push forward.

"But-" Jimin began to protest, his voice trailing off with a mix of fear and hopelessness.

"Just go away," Yoongi snapped, his tone final and lacking any kindness as he brushed off Jimin's pleas, resolute in his decision to distance himself from the desperate situation.

As Yoongi approached the storeroom door, a sudden pang of doubt struck him. "Huh? Did I forget to lock the door?" he wondered, a twinge of concern washing over him.

On the other end of the line, panic gripped Jimin's thoughts. "God, he is going to find them. What do I do now?" he frantically pondered, feeling the weight of the impending discovery.


"Guys, I tried my best. But he is coming inside. Hide fast!" Jimin urgently shouted through the phone, his voice filled with desperation as he desperately tried to warn them about the imminent danger.

"What?" both Y/N and Taehyung exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with surprise and confusion, as the door suddenly swung open and Yoongi walked into the storeroom. In that moment, time seemed to freeze as the weight of potential consequences hung heavily in the air.

But to their amazement, Yoongi's attention seemed oblivious to their presence. Lost in his own thoughts, his mind consumed by the guilt he felt for his earlier cold demeanor towards Jimin, he remained unaware of their presence in the storeroom.

"What if he gets killed?" Yoongi sighed, his concern evident as he stepped outside the storeroom, only to find a visibly tense Jimin waiting for him.

"Come on, I will walk with you until the dormitory, but don't expect it next time," Yoongi stated, his voice laced with a mixture of gruffness and care.

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