Chapter - 17

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As one week passed by with exams quickly approaching, the tension in the library was palpable as students buried themselves in their books and notes. Yuna, feeling parched, turned to her friend Y/N with a hopeful look. "Y/N, do you have water with you?" she asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

Y/N shook her head apologetically. "Mine is empty," she replied, empathizing with her friend's need for hydration.

"Aish, then I will go and get some water," Yuna murmured, determination in her eyes as she grabbed the empty bottle and swiftly made her way outside the library, the sound of her footsteps fading away. Left alone at the table, Y/N refocused on her studies, the soft rustle of pages turning and the occasional cough or pencil scratch filling the ambient noise of the library.

After some time, a high-pitched scream pierced through the quiet atmosphere of the library, causing textbooks to slam shut and heads to turn in alarm. Beomgyu and Y/N shared a concerned glance before springing into action, bolting outside with the rest of the library patrons trailing behind them.

"Yuna," Y/N shouted, her voice filled with worry as she spotted her friend lying on the ground. Ignoring the chaos around her, she rushed to Yuna's side, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Yuna," Beomgyu called out, kneeling down beside her and gently shaking her in an attempt to rouse her. The air was thick with tension as everyone held their breath, their focus solely on the scene unfolding before them.

Yuna slowly opened her eyes, her panicked gaze darting around as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. "What happened?" Jimin's concerned voice cut through the tension as he reached their side, his eyes scanning Yuna's pale face.

"I... I saw someone," Yuna stuttered, her voice trembling with fear as she tried to articulate the unsettling experience.

"It must be the cleaner or someone," Eunwoo offered, trying to rationalize the situation and ease the growing unease in the group.

"No, it's not. He was covered in black with a mask, and... ah, he had blue eyes," Yuna's words came out in a rushed blur, causing a shiver to run down Y/N's spine as she listened to her friend's chilling description. The library fell silent, the gravity of Yuna's words hanging heavy in the air, leaving everyone on edge.

"Where did you see him?," Y/N asked urgently, the worry evident in her voice as she locked eyes with Yuna. The rest of the group looked at her, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.

"I was taking water when I saw a pair of shoes between the door. So I walked towards it, and he got shocked and sprayed something. So I screamed and everything blacked out," Yuna explained, her voice shaky as she recounted the harrowing encounter.

"Guys, search this place," Y/N commanded, her tone firm and resolute as she took charge, the urgency in her voice spurring everyone into action.

"What? Why?" Taehyung asked, his confusion evident as he looked to Y/N for an explanation.

"Just do it," Y/N replied firmly, her sense of urgency not diminishing as she urged the students to start searching the library. With a sense of unity and purpose, everyone spread out, combing through the library in search of any trace of the mysterious figure that had left Yuna shaken.

"There is no one here,"

"Nothing in here,"

"Here too,"


"Same here"

The words echoed from different corners of the room, signaling a fruitless quest for any remaining traces of the mysterious intruder. The collective disappointment weighed heavily on Y/N, the tension lingering in the room despite the lack of a visible threat.

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