Chapter - 29

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"Leave her alone," Y/N's voice rang out with unwavering determination, her presence a glimmer of hope amidst the dark atmosphere.

Jaemin's sinister smile widened as he observed Y/N's return. "Oh, you came back, Y/N? Hmm... you even found this room. Impressive," he taunted, giving off an eerie sense of satisfaction.

"I really don't want to hurt you, Y/N. So I am giving you one more chance," Jaemin warned, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "Just stay there if you don't want to die."

With every fiber of her being, Y/N knew that accepting Jaemin's threat was not an option. Her determination to protect Ryujin and put an end to this terrifying ordeal burned within her.

"I said, don't touch her," Y/N asserted, her voice filled with unwavering determination. Jaemin let out a sigh, as if he was tired of her defiance, and slowly turned around to face her.

"You are really stubborn, aren't you? Tch tch tch," he remarked, his tone filled with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"Alright, then I will finish you first," he declared, taking slow steps towards Y/N, his threat hanging in the air.

With quick thinking, Y/N grabbed a nearby box and hurled it at Jaemin, hoping to catch him off guard. However, he swiftly dodged the projectile, his movements proving agile and calculated.

"Feisty, I see," he chuckled, an unsettling response that sent shivers down Y/N's spine.

Despite the danger that loomed before her, Y/N refused to back down as she seized a nearby metal rod, wielding it with all her strength as she delivered a powerful blow to Jaemin. The impact caused him to crumble, the intensity of the pain overwhelming him, resulting in the knife slipping from his grasp.

But his resilience and fury knew no bounds. "You little-" Jaemin swiftly charged towards Y/N, forcefully pinning her against the wall. The impact caused her head to collide harshly with the unforgiving surface, sending a surge of pain through her. He then gripped her hair, his aggression evident as he mercilessly struck her against the nearest table. The force of the blow sent Y/N crashing to the floor, her consciousness fleeting as darkness threatened to consume her.


Taehyung's heart raced as he hurriedly arrived at Ryujin's room, only to find it empty. Just as he was about to leave in search of Y/N, his eyes caught sight of a small object on the floor — the killer's distinctive locket.

Confusion and worry filled Taehyung's mind. "How did it come here? Did Y/N already come here?" he wondered, his thoughts racing with possibilities. Without hesitation, he bolted outside, hoping to find answers and support in his search. It was then that he spotted Beomgyu amidst the chaos.

"Beomgyu, did you see Y/N?" he urgently asked, his voice filled with concern and desperation.

Relief washed over Taehyung at Beomgyu's reply. Without wasting a moment, he sprinted towards the library, his mind racing with thoughts and fears.

As he rushed towards the library, he racked his brain, trying to connect the pieces of the unfolding puzzle. "If she came here, then it's likely that the killer took Ryujin here as well," he reasoned. The possibility of a secret room hidden within the library sparked his curiosity, further fueling his determination to find the answers he desperately sought.

Reaching the library's counter, Taehyung approached Jin, his tone urgent and filled with worry.  Ryujin's rescue.

"Hey, Jin hyung," Taehyung gasped as he caught his breath. "Is there any secre- I mean, any rooms in here that are closed off? Like, not currently in use?"

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