Chapter - 4

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The booming bass reverberated through the walls of the university as the speakers blared with a pulsating beat, vibrations caused nearby trees to sway in rhythm, amplifying the intensity of the soundscape outside. With colorful lights illuminating the night, students twirled and leaped in synchrony, their laughter and clinking cups filling the air, creating an atmosphere so alive that it seemed to paint a vibrant picture of joy and celebration.

Y/N gracefully entered the hall, her simple floral dress swaying with her every step, accompanied by the playful bounce of her white sneakers. As she made her way through the crowd, the twinkling sequins on her dress effortlessly caught the mesmerizing beams of the disco ball, scattering brilliant hues of the rainbow across the room. Lost in the vibrant atmosphere, she slowly scanned the pulsating crowd until her gaze locked with another, instantly capturing a fleeting moment of connection in the midst of the swirling chaos.

Taehyung exuded an irresistible charm, his long-sleeved shirt meticulously rolled up to his elbows, revealing defined forearms that seemed to possess a hidden strength. Paired with his laid-back shorts, he appeared effortlessly stylish, his presence captivating those around him. In a fleeting instant, Taehyung and Y/N locked eyes, their gaze filled with unspoken words and a momentary promise, only to be disrupted by an intrusive interruption.

"Hey Y/N, over here," Beomgyu's voice abruptly cut through the pulsating music, drawing Y/N's attention away from the captivating connection shared with Taehyung. Reluctantly, she tore her gaze from Taehyung's handsome allure and gracefully moved towards Beomgyu's lively presence, leaving behind an indelible impression of unfinished sentiments. As she joined her friends, Y/N sought respite and a moment of relaxation, her fingers curling around a refreshing drink from the counter, providing a brief sense of comfort in the midst of the exhilarating chaos.

Yuna's voice rang with playful curiosity as she marveled at the entrancing beauty before her. "Wow, who is this stunning girl? Where is my Y/N?" she teased, eyes twinkling mischievously.

Y/N responded with a radiant smile, playing along with the banter. "Sorry, Missy. Y/N is taking a break today," she revealed, a playful glimmer in her eyes reflecting her delight in the lighthearted exchange.

Y/N's gaze shifted, her eyes landing on Jungkook donned in an ensemble of sleek black attire, engaged in conversation with Eunwoo. Mesmerized by his captivating charm, she found herself standing there, a smile unintentionally gracing her lips as she caught a glimpse of his infectious laughter.

A thought fluttered through Y/N's mind, weaving its way amidst the whirlwind of emotions. "He must love black so much," she mused silently, observing how the darkness of his outfit perfectly accentuated his enigmatic aura, enhancing his already undeniable allure.


"Yah! How can you say that after looking at my handsome face?" Jin's voice boomed, his playful anger directed at Jaemin, who seemed taken aback by Jin's intimidating presence. Y/N couldn't help but giggle, delightedly watching the poor boy gulp nervously, caught between Jin's scary facade and the undeniable charm of his handsome visage.

Y/N shifted her gaze to the side, heart skipping a beat, only to find Taehyung still fixated on her. When their eyes met, an inexplicable silence fell upon them, as if the world around them paused for that fleeting moment. Astonishingly, Taehyung had a peculiar ability to drown out the incessant chatter in Y/N's mind, replacing it with a comforting serenity that enveloped her thoughts like soft cotton. It was strange yet captivating, as if he held the power to silence her inner chaos and bring a sense of tranquility to her being.

Unease washed over Y/N as she hastily averted her gaze, a stream of questions flooding her mind. Pondering the intensity of Taehyung's stare, she couldn't help but question his intentions and wonder if guilt had finally caught up with him after the events of yesterday. "No, Y/N," she reminded herself, shaking off the notion. "This is Kim Taehyung we're talking about. He will never change." Determined to escape the turmoil of her thoughts, she resolutely walked towards the dance floor, seeking solace in the pulsating rhythm and vibrant energy that surrounded her.

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