Chapter - 10

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Y/N closed her room door behind her, her steps hesitant as she made her way towards the garden under the moonlit sky. As she walked, a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey, what are you doing here so late?" Jaemin asked casually as he passed by.

Startled by the sudden encounter, Y/N smiled warmly, "Huh? Oh, hey Jaemin ssi. I was just going to meet someone." Her voice held a touch of nervousness beneath her friendly response.

"Oh, I see. Be careful. And don't go around alone next time. It's dangerous," Jaemin advised, his concern evident in his tone. Y/N nodded appreciatively, understanding the cautionary words.

As Jaemin walked away, Y/N continued her stroll towards the garden, her anticipation heightening. However, upon reaching the garden, she found it empty, devoid of the person she had come to meet. Just as disappointment set in, a voice broke through the silence from behind her, panting slightly from what seemed like a long run.

"Hey- sorry- for being- late," the person managed to say between breaths, trying to catch their breath.

"Ah, it's ok Jungkook ssi," she said, her heart started beating so fast after seeing him.

"Ah, it's okay Jungkook ssi," she replied, a mixture of relief and excitement coursing through her veins at the sight of him, her heart fluttering wildly in her chest as she laid her eyes upon him.

"So... what do you want to talk about?" Jungkook inquired, a warm smile gracing his features as he locked eyes with her.

"Um- it's- just- I-" she stuttered, her voice barely a whisper as she struggled to find the right words to express her feelings, words failing to form coherently in her nervous state.

"I know," Jungkook interrupted, his gaze unwavering as he held her gaze.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened, mirroring the swirl of emotions within her, unable to comprehend how he could possibly have knowledge of her intentions. The air crackled with an unspoken connection, as if a current of electricity passed between them, heightening the anticipation of what was to come.


Taehyung lay on his bed, his arms wrapped tightly around his pillow, his thoughts consumed by Y/N. The image of her confessing her feelings to someone else played relentlessly in his mind.

'She would have confessed right now. And I am sure that jerk will accept it. Who won't? Everyone loves her,' the bitter thought tinged with envy raced through his mind, emphasizing his own insecurities.

"Aish, why am I always thinking about her?" he sighed, frustration lacing his voice as he acknowledged the constant presence of her image and thoughts in his mind, unable to escape the grip she had on his thoughts and emotions.

Jimin settled himself near the study table in their shared room, a stack of books spread out before him. However, his attention remained far from the pages, lost in his own world of thoughts and distractions. He absentmindedly skimmed through the words, his mind wandering elsewhere, unable to focus on the task at hand. His gaze wandered, his thoughts drifting to Y/N and the events that had transpired earlier, his own internal struggle consuming his thoughts rather than the academic material in front of him.

Jimin's mind continued to spiral with thoughts of the impending confession, the certainty of Y/N's feelings for Jungkook, and the realization that his own opportunity seemed to slip through his fingers. Frustration weighed heavy in his chest, aching at the unfairness of it all.

'Hmm... I am happy as long as she is happy,' he contemplated, a bittersweet acceptance permeating his thoughts. 'If she is happy with him, let her be.'

As he absentmindedly circled phrases in the book before him, his focus shifted away from his own desires, finding solace in the sentiment that Y/N's happiness mattered most, even if it meant sacrificing his own feelings in the process.

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