Chapter - 6

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Taehyung scrolled through the phone, chuckling at the silly photos in the gallery. But his laughter came to a halt when he stumbled upon a picture that caught him by surprise.

"What happened?," Jimin asked, peeking over at the phone in Taehyung's hand. Taehyung's mouth hung open in shock as he showed Jimin the unexpected image on the screen.

"Why do you have so many pics of him? I thought you hate him! Wait, are you gay-ow, that hurts," Jimin said, rubbing his head as Taehyung playfully hit him with a book. Taehyung leaned in to whisper, "Yah, idiot, it's not my phone."

Jimin's eyes widened as he followed Taehyung's gaze to someone sitting a few tables away. Realization dawned on him as he connected the dots. "Don't tell me it's..." he trailed off, his voice barely above a whisper, finally understanding the unexpected discovery on the phone.


"Yah, just because I went there earlier doesn't mean I am the murderer," he yelled in frustration, his voice echoing in the interrogation room. Jackson, the detective on the case, sighed at the outburst.

"Mr. Kim Seokjin, no one said you are the murderer," Jackson said calmly, trying to reassure him. "You just have to answer a few questions and you are free to leave." Seokjin, visibly tense, nodded in understanding as he prepared himself to cooperate with the investigation.

"So, what were you doing outside at the time of the murder? Weren't you supposed to be at the party?" Jackson asked as he leaned forward, studying Jin's reaction closely.

"I felt dizzy inside there. So I went outside to get some fresh air. That's when I heard that girl screaming," Jin replied with annoyance evident in his tone, as he recounted the events of that fateful night.

"Did you notice anything out of the ordinary or anyone behaving strangely? Any unusual sounds or movements??" Jackson inquired, his gaze fixed on Jin.

"No. I didn't," Jin replied, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Are you close with the victim?" Jackson continued.

"No," Jin responded curtly.

"I heard that you are quite close with every student. Then why not her?" Jackson pressed, narrowing his eyes as he probed for more information. Jin remained silent, his expression guarded as he considered his response.

"I- because she doesn't come to the library that much. How am I supposed to talk to her?" Jin snapped in frustration, his tone defensive. Jackson sighed, seeing the tension in Jin's demeanor.

"Okay, that's it. You can go now," Jackson said, signaling the end of the interrogation before closing the file in front of him. Jin stood up, relieved to be released but still anxious about the ongoing investigation.


Y/N slowly patted on the table, her fingers searching for something while still concentrating on the book she was reading. Suddenly, she tilted her head to the table, a look of annoyance crossing her face as she realized she couldn't find what she was searching for.

"Huh? Where did it go?" she murmured to herself, before proceeding to search the whole table in a quest to locate the missing item.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Beomgyu asked, his voice slightly alarmed as Y/N picked up his book from the table and then placed it back.

"My phone, it's missing," she said with a hint of worry, her eyes scanning under other books and papers on the table in a frantic search.

"You must have forgotten it in the room," Yuna suggested, trying to help Y/N think of possible explanations.

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