Chapter - 5

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Every student stood assembled in the hall, their faces filled with disbelief and shock. The weight of the tragedy hung heavy in the air, further amplified by the ghastly image of Irene's lifeless body etched into their minds.

A hushed silence fell over the crowd as Mr Choi, the school principal, stepped forward to address the somber gathering. His voice quivered with emotion as he spoke, navigating the delicate task of delivering the heart-wrenching news.

"As we all know, our student Irene is dead," his voice cracked, the words lingering in the space, causing a collective shudder to ripple through the crowd. The weight of the loss was palpable, and the grief-stricken faces of the students mirrored the pain that echoed in Mr Choi's voice.

"The school will be off tomorrow," Mr Choi continued, his sadness permeating every syllable. The announcement acted as a somber acknowledgement of the deep impact Irene's death had on the entire school community. It was a necessary respite, allowing students a moment to process their emotions and begin to heal amidst the tragic loss that had befallen them.

As Mr Choi's voice faded away, a collective sense of disappointment and frustration welled up within the students. His brief announcement failed to provide the answers they desperately sought, leaving them in a state of confusion and unease.

Disoriented and still in shock, the students reluctantly began to disperse, making their way back to their respective rooms. Their steps were heavy with the weight of the haunting images that lingered in their minds, unable to shake off the reality of what they had witnessed.

Y/N, lost in her own thoughts, couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness and frustration. The unanswered questions echoed relentlessly in her mind. Who could have committed such a heinous act? What could possibly drive someone to take another's life? However, with no clear direction or guidance, she realized that the search for answers might prove to be an uphill battle.

As the students retreated to their rooms, a prevailing sense of helplessness enveloped them. They yearned for a source of solace, a beacon of hope that could help them navigate through the darkness that had been thrust upon their seemingly safe haven. It was a time of uncertainty, as they grappled with their own grief and the insatiable desire for justice.


A student who studied at Seoul University is found dead on the campus," the news anchor's voice reverberated through the room, capturing Y/N's attention. Her eyes widened as she listened intently to the report, the confirmation that it was a planned murder sent a chill down her spine, intensifying the gravity of the situation.

The Seoul Murder Case, its gripping details and unanswered questions, had become the talk of the town, dominating headlines and sparking debates across various media platforms. The entire campus was consumed by a cloud of uncertainty, as students whispered nervously among themselves, contemplating the chilling possibilities.

Within this climate of fear and speculation, the unsettling notion loomed that the murderer could be lurking within the very walls of the university. The thought that someone they interacted with daily, perhaps even someone from their close-knit friend groups, could be responsible for such a heinous crime sent shivers down their spines.

Trust became a fragile commodity as friendships took on new shades of suspicion. Faces that were once familiar now held a hint of uncertainty, and every interaction carried a heightened sense of scrutiny. No longer could they blindly rely on the assumption of safety within the confines of their university. Instead, a creeping sense of paranoia seeped into their thoughts, making it difficult to discern who to confide in and who to fear.

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