The Opening of the Conference

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I walk into the main hall, check-in, get my name tag, and work immediately to find Justice. The place is packed with Pros from all edges of the U.S. and even some from neighboring countries like Canada and Mexico. This was the perfect opportunity to show that the U.S. was finally becoming a safer society.

Despite the plans running through my head, I was looking frantically for my Pro Hero partner. Where the hell is he?

As I power walked, I ran into a few students from the neighboring school we volunteer at, and they were excited, to say the least. They all charged after me and knocked me to my feet, screaming my name happily. These kids were aspiring Pros and were promised an internship at our agency once they were old enough. Third and fourth graders, but eager no less; so many of them have been actively working toward those goals.

As I stood back on my feet, I greeted them and told them that I couldn't stay long. I waved and ran to find Justice. Finally, in a large circle of Pros, I see him standing there answering questions. Of course. I pushed past the crowd, and he walked over and pulled me through, never missing a beat on the question he was answering.

"This is my right hand! Without her, this agency would be nothing. Go ahead and introduce yourself!" Justice exclaimed.

I stepped forward while catching my breath. "Hello everyone... I... I am Raezor or Rae for short," I manage to sputter. I motion to Justice that we needed to catch up before I lost him again, and he excused himself.

"Rae! I'm so glad you made it! Was the driver efficient? What have you surveyed so far?"

I looked through the crowd thinking for a couple of seconds. "It's going to be a full house today! Lots of heroes and some young aspiring ones to make a great impression on."

"Perfect! Just what we need. Do you have any last-minute assessments besides your text about the lowering crime rate?"

Wow. Even through that crowd, he was able to read my text. "Nope! I'll go grab food and..."

I was interrupted by a yell from the crowd for him to come back and talk about agency strategies. "Rae, would you mind grabbing me a coffee? It seems like the day is going to be a long one!" I nodded and glanced at the time.

9:45. Not bad.

With the day opening in fifteen minutes, I needed to hustle. I rushed over to the refreshments table. As I assessed everything, I bumped hard into someone and fell backward. My glasses were crushed to my face, but not broken. Thank goodness, because these things are expensive.

Immediately, I heard a familiar voice: "Raezor? How have you been?"

Author's Note:

INSANE! Who did we bump into? You all may have an idea, but you'll have to check the next chapter to see! Thanks for reading this far!

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