The Proposal

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As we began our walk to the nearest cafe, Eraser and I were silent. I stole glances at him every few seconds and then looked down almost immediately. 

How am I going to get through this? He definitely looks way more attractive than the last time I saw him. His eyes, I can’t get over his eyes! His voice is so dark and sultry, it’s almost as though he doesn’t even care… in a cool bad boy kinda way.

What am I even saying? This guy lives halfway across the world, so I doubt he would even see us working out like this. Working out? Wait, am I thinking about a relationship with this guy? Boy, this is going to be an even longer day than I anticipated.

We barely spoke, but I feel so smitten. I want to hang on to every single word he says, but I can’t because I’m always in my head. Actually, let me start calculating the chances of success for…

“Rae? Did I lose you?” Eraserhead looked over with his tired eyes. 

I hate my stupid quirk sometimes. “N-No! I’m right here! Just thinking about some agency stuff Justice needs,” I lied.

He looked at me a bit longer and sighed, “I was asking how things have been since we last saw each other, but by the looks of it, you haven’t had a break have you?” 

“Oh, I have! We're just very busy, and the conference planning took up so much time. But I am all set, Eraser!”

He reached out and gently put his hand on my shoulder while still looking at me, “Please, call me Aizawa. No need to be so formal with an old friend after hours.” 

I blushed immensely as I quickly looked up at him shooting him a cheeky smile, “Sounds great! Now tell me about you!”

He took his hand off my shoulder and told me that he has been thinking intensely about the safety of the students at UA. 

I put my hand on my chin, “Oh! I remember the attacks were all over the news. Those poor kids are obviously extremely talented, but I wish they could just be kids for the moment. When childhood is over, it’s never coming back.”

Aizawa looked at me and smiled, “Exactly why we are embarking on a new strategy forward.” 

We soon made it to the dainty cafe with plants taking over the walls and patrons sitting outside enjoying their afternoon refreshments. We went inside, grabbed a seat, and ordered. I got the cheese danish and a cup of tea while he ordered a plain coffee. I shrugged and looked over to the window briefly before he started speaking again.

“So about the UA plans, we need someone to help with our strategy to keep the students safe, and to put it briefly, I thought of you immediately. Your talents are amazing for this kind of work and would give us a chance to also teach the students how to formulate a strategy on the ground as Pro Heros.”

I couldn’t believe my ears; they wanted ME to help them. On Aizawa’s recommendation? This was a lot to take in.

“Wow. I don’t even know what to say. I mean, I would love to help you and UA out, as well as help the students, but I would need to run it by Justice first to see what he thinks. I don’t want to leave him all alone to run things depending on how long it would be.”

Aizawa nodded, taking my careful consideration to heart, “I appreciate you even considering this. As I said, it would be an honor to have you with us even if it’s for a short time.” 

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