Proving Our Worth - Part 2

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A tall, thin woman with pale skin and blonde, straight hair smiled widely at me and stood as we walked in. She looked as though she was in her late 40s and wore a black jacket and matching pants with a white undershirt.

Her hand stretched toward me, and I met hers with a firm shake.

"Diane Rockfish and this is my business partner and brother, Patrick," she said with a toothy grin.

Her brother who was about Jay's height but a skinnier build, stood up and greeted the two of us with a nervous smile but a calmer demeanor. He wore round, gold-framed glasses and had messy, dirty-blond curls.

"It's great to meet you two. Please just call me Rae," I insisted.

"And Weighted Justice, it's good to see you again," Diane said warmly.

Jay smiled and shook their hands with ease. "Diane, Patrick, welcome to our beautiful little agency. I'm so glad you took us seriously enough to move forward."

Diane and her brother sat back down, and we sat adjacent to them.

She smirked and chuckled. "The pleasure is all ours! I must say, Rae, you sent quite a hound dog after us. Weighted Justice just wouldn't take 'no' for an answer."

"That's our fierce co-founder. He truly knows the importance of having solid agencies in this world, and obviously, the Rockfish Investment Firm does as well," I acknowledged by offering an olive branch.

Patrick kept staring at me, and I smiled sweetly a few times as Diane spoke. Patrick smiled back but eventually spoke up.

"I'm sorry I keep staring at you, Rae. You're a striking resemblance to a man we worked closely with a few years ago. Isn't she, Di?" Patrick asked his sister.

Diane's baby blue eyes examined me for a few moments before she leaned back and grinned.

"Oh my goodness, she is! You resemble the retired strategy hero, Mr. Fix-It."

Patrick pointed at me excitedly. "Exactly! Rae, this hero was a beloved man in his home country of Denmark for many years and was primarily a government agent. His skin tone was a bit deeper than your tan one, and he has a similar hair texture to yours. His defining feature was his emerald green eyes, just like yours!"

My eyes shifted to Jay who was lightly motioning for me to respond. A polite laugh hid my confusion.

"Oh? I've heard of him, but didn't he lose his government agent status for a while after an accident?" I wondered aloud to make sure I had the right hero in mind.

Patrick nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, he decided to open an agency to help prevent unnecessary accidents like the one he was involved in, and that's where we came in. We provided the funding and gave him a second chance at credibility in the hero world. Now that he has retired completely, his agency practically runs itself, and he's constantly able to continue living his life's dream of realizing the potential of everyone."

My smile grew as Patrick concluded his explanation. "Exactly what we believe in here at WJR Hero Agency. Anyone can be a hero, we just have to believe in them and provide the tools needed to succeed and grow."

Diane and Patrick glanced at each other and nodded.

"Now, let's talk business with the boss," Diane pointed at me.

I laughed and put my hand up. "I'm flattered, but things are decided together here. Justice and I co-own and co-run this agency."

The pen in Diane's hand moved back and forth as her fingers swayed in a circular motion. She wrote something down and then looked at me as Patrick slid two copies of the contract forward.

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