Fight Club Initiation? - Part 1

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A/N: Window grillz are gold caps for teeth where part of the tooth can be seen as though looking through a window!

My trip to the convenience store proved to be more than successful in finding dinner and snacks for tonight, and the people were extremely helpful. They asked me all about where I was from and what I thought of Japan so far. Despite the good interactions, I couldn't shake my lingering anxiety.

I hope this dinner at least makes up for the awkward moments Aizawa and I had together.

I continued walking with my headphones in my ears and my head in my bag when I bumped hard into someone. My head shot up from my bag, and I quickly stopped the music coming through my headphones. The man was taller than me but seemed shorter than Aizawa for sure. His slightly wrinkled, baggy, black hoodie was pulled over his head and his face was pale and seemingly scarred.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" I asked him with concern. Sure, I didn't slam into him hard enough to break a bone, but I felt a slight sting on my arm, so who knows what he felt.

"Just watch where you're going or you'll end up hurt," he shot back in a scratchy voice, barely looking in my direction.

"Again, I'm sorry. Have a better day," I said curtly and continued walking.

I could feel his eyes finally facing me and piercing my skin, but I kept going. It's best to not cause trouble as a newbie here.

After finally reaching the teacher's dorms, I made my way to Aizawa's room and turned the knob slowly. To my surprise, it opened. I saw him sitting at his desk sifting through papers. I smiled shyly as I walked inside trying to not make too much noise.

"You didn't get lost, I see," Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice.

I chuckled as I put the bags of goodies down on the coffee table. "I didn't! But I almost got into a fight."

Aizawa turned to look at me fully, ignoring the papers still moving through his fingers. "A fight? Where?"

I plopped down on the couch as I explained more, "Oh I bumped into some guy, and he was NOT happy about it. It wasn't going to turn into a fight I promise, that was a joke. Still, he seemed so pissed."

Aizawa sighed and moved from his desk to sit next to me on the couch. He put his hands on my shoulder and looked at me. I felt like a lecture was coming my way, but to my surprise, he rubbed my shoulder before wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his chest.

"Things happen. Don't worry about it," he sighed.

I froze not knowing whether to sink into his chest or pull away. Eventually, I leaned more into him and exhaled, "Yeah, I just don't want to offend anyone, you know?"

He nodded.

"For what it's worth, he's shorter than you so that's something I guess," I piped up to ease the heavy tension that was filling the room.

The feeling wasn't hostile but more pent-up than anything. I picked my head up and leaned into the back of the couch, now fully facing him and staring into his dark, tired eyes.

He maintained eye contact and leaned back as well, resting his hand to hold up his head. I moved my feet toward him and quickly found his. I lightly stepped on his feet as a blushing smile crept on my face. I giggled softly and rolled my eyes as his expression never changed.

"You keep thinking you'd win a staring contest, but you won't," I mutter under my breath.

"Dry eyes can't stop this view," Aizawa said softly.

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