Let Me Show You

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I twisted the handle with a little more force than intended and made my entrance - or at least a noise. I looked up to see Aizawa sitting at his desk clicking away at something on his computer. He looked up and stared at me as I closed the door as confidently as I could.

Sure, this is his place, but I don't care; this is MY moment.

"You had fun it seems," Aizawa trailed off.

"Yup, and what about it? I don't have anyone to worry about but me."

I felt more emotional than normal but it was manifesting in my throat as anger, pain, but more dominantly, as shame.

He turned fully to look at me, "What do you mean? You're a Pro Hero."

I laughed at his words, "A pro? I can't even beat some underground hero, but you think that I can beat a villain? I suck."

He looked at me as I lightly swayed back and forth and the words flew out of my mouth. I felt confident, but I hated myself at the same time.

Aizawa seemed concerned and shot out of his chair to stand in front of me. His six-foot frame was towering over me, but I couldn't care. He used me for information; he's a spy and can't be trusted.

"Rae, what are you talking about? You are gre-" Aizawa tried to speak, but I cut him off knowing that his words meant nothing.

"Great? Great?! You listened to me talk about my life on this very couch yesterday. And today, you used me as an example of what you don't want your students to become. Do you not see how fucked up that is? I let you into my life for you to do this to me?"

He looked down and breathed heavily, "Anything else?"

I opened my eyes wide, anger raging like an erupting volcano, "Anything else?! I cannot believe you right now, Eraserhead. I am good enough for you. I am strong enough and fast enough. I AM competent enough!"

Aizawa looked at me head-on, shocked at something. He motioned cautiously, "You're good enough for me? What do you mean?"

"Nothing! I mean nothing! You know what? We need to settle this. I want a fucking rematch."

He looked at me with serious eyes, "No."

What? Was he scared of me?

"No? Why? You scared?! Let me kick your ass for real this time."

He turned and began walking away. "You're being irrational, Raezor, and I am not going to entertain this. I'll make sure to let Midnight know you don't take your drinks well and to take better care of you when she invites you out like this."

I couldn't believe my ears. He saw me as nothing, but I'll show him that I could be everything. I walked up to Aizawa and called his name. As he turned around, I activated my last two caps, and the smokey mist shot into his eyes. He grunted angrily, staggering backward.

I took my advantage to successfully punch him square in the jaw. I stepped back and held my stance, ready to fight, ready to settle the score.

He gave me a furious glare, eyes glowing a bright red and his hair floating. He stepped toward me, and I braced myself. This is it.

Instead of taking me on, he wrapped his capture scarf around my arms and waist tightly, pulling me into him. Because I was tipsy, I thought he was pulling me into a hug, but I soon realized that he was holding me tight enough to make sure I wouldn't use my arms to attack again.

Our faces were closer than ever. In a deep growl, he spat, "You want to fight? Do you want to be a child about this and prove a point? Fine. Friday evening at Ground Beta. Be there to settle whatever score you're worried about."

The Aizawa Effect - (Aizawa X OC)Where stories live. Discover now