The Night that Strikes

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Justice and I arrived at the agency at about 7pm. I was so excited to be embarking on my new journey, that I ran ahead to the elevator and waited for him to finish paying the taxi driver.

He came inside and looked over at me with a soft smile, “Mighty excited I see! Are you hungry? I can get us something.”

I looked down at my stomach, remembering the cheese danish and tea I barely touched back at the cafe, “Sounds good. Let me bring the computers to the conference room, and we can get started.” 

Moments after grabbing my laptop and notes, I noticed a picture of my best friend and one of my mother and me at dinner. God, I need to tell them too.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with packing and meeting up with folks before I leave. I looked down at my phone and saw a text from Aizawa confirming my seat on the plane: "All set. Boarding at 6:55pm." 

I walked back to the conference room to see Justice organizing some files on his side.

He walked over to me and asked if I wanted anything to drink. I asked for a cup of coffee with two creams and three sugars.

As he left, he brushed past me, which was weird, but I tried to be as understanding as possible since this was all still new for him. 

After he returned with our coffee, we sat down and talked about everything, from when we met to when we agreed to open the agency. We reminisced about the days of working out of his apartment and even when we had our first Pro Hero join us. The conversations were interrupted as the food came and continued as we filled our bellies with nourishment. 

“So, who will you be working with when you get over there?” Justice inquired.

“Aizawa and his class on the teaching side of things,” I answered him with a mouth full of fries.

He looked down and gave a low chuckle, “So this Aizawa, he’s someone you’ve known for a while?”

“Yes and no. We knew each other through various conferences but never worked together. I am super excited for this opportunity to meet new people though.”

Justice put his food down as I finished my sentence and wiped his hands clean, “Alright, back to work.” 

His tone was almost curt, but again, I paid no attention to it. 

We decided that we would check in every other day. If needed, he would contact me directly so I could email any thoughts or plans, and I can call if something extremely urgent comes up. We also came up with some ideas for networking with other Pros while in Japan. 

As I yawned, I looked at my phone: 11:50pm. 

Shit, it’s getting quite late, but we seem to have things all figured out.

I got up and began cleaning when Justice grabbed my wrist and turned me toward him.

“Justice, what’s up?” I asked curiously.

He closed his eyes and stepped closer toward me, leaving almost no room between our bodies. 

“Don’t tell me you’re going over there chasing something that you already have here.”

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