Dinner and a Show

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We stepped out of the taxi and as Aizawa paid, I began walking toward Amamoto's. When he opened the door for me, I noticed the simple, dimly lit interior with 8 chairs lined up at one, long table facing the chef's station. Aizawa and I walked to the end of the single table and took a seat next to each other waiting for the other patrons to come in.

"So, are you enjoying Japan so far?"

I nodded and smiled, "It's way better than I could imagine! The food, the people, the experiences are all wonderful."

Aizawa rubbed my thigh under the table, "I am so glad to hear that, but I can't imagine that Justice is happy that you're here."

I choke back a cough at his comment and turned away blushing at his adorable smile, causing Aizawa to seemingly chuckle.

"I have to agree. I didn't think that he would be such a jealous mess about this." I rolled my eyes at the thought of just speaking to Justice again.

All this pent-up frustration was boiling over at such a crucial moment in my life; plus, it's not like Justice ever made his intentions clear earlier. I've been involved with other men while being friends with him, and this by far is the worst reaction to date.

"So, how long have you worked with the agency?" Aizawa asked while grabbing the glass of water.

"A little over four years now. The idea originally came when I thought I wouldn't be able to be a hero because of my quirk. After high school, Justice and I kept working toward opening the agency and made it happen sometime later. Frankly, I was the strategic mind behind its creation while Justice slowly became the face of it all. So while he went out to charity dinners and other high-profiled hero events to get us noticed, I stayed back a lot of the time to simply analyze and plan for our agency's future," I replied.

"So it sounds like you two grew up together. Maybe he's afraid to lose the driving force behind the dreams you two had?" Aizawa suggested. Justice using my emotions for his gain was such a weird possibility, but not impossible.

I nodded in acknowledgment of the idea but decided to not add any more uncertainty to my anxious thoughts. After a few minutes of waiting, another couple sat on the other end of the table, still giving us privacy to chat.

A polite waiter came by to refill our glasses of water and asked if any other drinks would be needed. "A bottle of saké for us please," Aizawa requested.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes at his drink of choice. "Trying to get me drunk? That's a bit strong, don't you think?"

Aizawa nodded, "Yes, it is, but I figured it will help with the authentic experience."

The waiter returned with the tall bottle and two sakazuki cups. I looked over at Aizawa who only smirked at my expression. He poured two shots, and we clinked our ceramic cups and downed the substance. It was smooth but burned like hell, and my sinuses felt like they were on fire.

"Woo! Okay, that has a punch," I commented as I eyed the bottle that barely had a dent in it.

Aizawa leaned back and sighed, "Now, I have a burning question."

"And I have a burning answer."

He shook his head at the "joke" and continued, "On your fact sheet before we brought you here, I saw that your last name is Caesar, but you don't use it at all in public interviews or even records. Why?"

I swallowed hard at the question, poured myself another cup of saké, and immediately drank it in one gulp.

Aizawa looked surprised and poured himself another shot as I began to explain, "Well, the story goes that when my mom went for a job in another country, she met my dad, and they had a brief relationship. She always talks about how much they loved each other and how inseparable they were. When she moved back to the States, she reached out to him about being pregnant with me. He said he wasn't ready to be a dad and never called her back. She sent him pictures of me or would try to call him on my birthdays but he never picked up, and she never told me his name. I have my mom's last name."

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