Longing Begets Heartache

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A/N: Just as a note, I decided to change my name! As a reminder, I used to be KRResnekov. <3

A couple of hours later, Jay left for the night. He took my large suitcase with him, noting that it would give me fewer things to carry downstairs tomorrow.

"I know we're paying extra for this one," he said sarcastically, lifting the suitcase before using his quirk to make it lighter.

"The agency is well-funded now, so we'll live." I laughed.

After sending him off and confirming what time he would be coming for me, I took the elevator and walked straight to Midnight's room. I hesitated but knocked lightly. After a few moments, she opened her door in a t-shirt and capri sweats.

She smiled at me. "I heard a little commotion earlier. Is everything okay?"

I walked into her dorm and flopped on her couch, covering my face.

"The agency I run with Justice is getting major investor funding, but they want me to return home to oversee the completion of certain parts of the agreement. With how things are right now, I have to leave Japan. I'm planning to renegotiate some requirements in the contract so I don't have trouble coming back to finish my commitment to UA."

She closed the door, sat next to me, and put a hand on my shoulder. A few minutes went by before she found any words to say.

"I'm so sorry. I know you'll figure it out soon, but just so you know, until then, I'll miss you so much! Promise me that we'll keep in contact until you return."

"Of course! I'll keep you updated on how life is treating me in the U.S. That's a no-brainer. Things are just hard since I have to leave so soon." I felt the tears threatening to fall again.

"Aizawa, huh? You two have been working on trying to get to a comfortable place and make things official. This must be such a shock for him. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow evening. It's been so hard, and I'm scared. He came by my dorm to talk to me, and Justice was there helping me pack. I think that set things off, plus, I didn't tell him about this situation in the best way, and then he left for patrol." My hands rested on my face in shame.

"He was probably just caught off guard. He definitely cares for you, honey. You know that, I know that, and all of UA knows that, despite you two trying to act platonic this entire time," Midnight observed slyly.

"What?! People noticed?" My shocked voice filled the room as I remembered Aizawa clearly telling me how much he enjoys his privacy.

"You both are always together, and you barely sleep in your own room. We put two and two together pretty quickly."

I shoved my face into the couch. "Just let me melt away from embarrassment right here. Maybe then those two will stop fighting about whether I stay or go."

"Or maybe they'll fight each other about who caused you to melt into a puddle," Midnight jested.

I groaned and she continued, "When he gets back from patrol, try and talk to him. He is very logical so once he has the proof and facts, he'll be able to make a rational decision."

I stayed on her couch a few minutes longer until I got up and gave her a tight hug.

"I'll see you before I leave tomorrow."

I went back to my room and sat on my couch for what felt like hours before going out on the balcony. The beautiful stars dotted the sky and made the area appear more ethereal than usual. I couldn't wrap my head around how to convince him that this was a temporary move.

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