Tipping the Scales

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A/N: Pearlescence - the quality of having a surface that seems to shine with different colors

As Nezu walked away, Justice smirked.

The 6'4", sculpted hero stood between Aizawa and me in a navy blue polo shirt and khakis. A neat mustache and petite goatee adorned his face, and his short dark brown, slicked-back hair rested gracefully on the top of his head. His caramel-colored skin and unnaturally light brown eyes were an aphrodisiac for most women, and I could only imagine the crowd he has garnered already in Japan.

I stood slowly and glanced at Aizawa who was quiet but just as taken aback.

Justice walked up to me, arms open, ready to pick me up. "Rae! My favorite girl! I missed you more than anything!"

I shook my head, "I missed you too, but..."

Justice ignored my pleading eyes and lifted me up. He gave me a playful grin and stared into my eyes as he held my waist firmly and kept my body above his head.

Aizawa stepped forward and snapped in a monotone, stern voice that made my spine quiver, "Do that on your own time. Not in this classroom nor on this campus."

Justice snickered and put me down gently while turning to Aizawa, "Eraserhead, great to see you again. I see not much has changed. I hope you've been taking great care of America's sweetheart."

I shook my head with embarrassment, "Aizawa has been a much better host than I could ask for. What are you doing here, Justice?"

Justice maintained eye contact with Aizawa and the tension grew exponentially, "Oh, can't I come visit my favorite hero of all time while she's away on assignment to Japan? I want to see how much progress you've really made since you left me."

"I didn't know the top strategist in your country and one of the best in the world needed a babysitter," Aizawa scoffed.

"I didn't know either, yet here she is at your hip doing what? Reviewing for a test to give the students? Yeah, right. You can't expect me to believe that," Justice mocked.

Aizawa's eyes grew more annoyed and he sighed, ready to reply to Justice but I interrupted.

"I don't need a sitter, and Justice, what's going on?"

Justice smiled at me and lightly brushed my shoulder with his arm as he passed by, "I have huge news to share, but I would hate to tell you like this. Can I take you out to dinner tonight? I have a new dress waiting in your room to commemorate our first meal together in Japan."

I felt a deep pang of anxiety in my chest as Justice worked the empty room, walking slowly and touching each desk as he waited for my answer or Aizawa's outburst.

"She can't," Aizawa firmly started.

"Oh, and why not, Father?" Justice ridiculed.

"It's the middle of the week, and frankly she has late training tonight with me and a few students. Not to mention, she has early morning training tomorrow before classes start. This is not a vacation, she is a teacher."

Justice turned around to face us and smiled wickedly at me, "Is that so, Rae? Give me at least an hour of your time."

My face was hot and felt like thousands of needles were pressing into my skin. "Justice, Mr. Aizawa's right. I'm very busy for the next few days, especially as my strategy work with UA picks up. The plan was presented today and should be approved by tonight."

A thick curl fell on Justice's forehead as he sighed and flashed me the bright smile that wins over most women immediately. "Oh, then let me know when you're finished tonight. I can wait forever for you."

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