The Morning After That

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My eyes slowly opened as I felt the pain devour me. My body ached, and my throat felt stepped on.

I began shifting and turned over to see Aizawa still sleeping with his mouth slightly agape. His hair was an absolute mess but still looked as soft as ever. I smiled remembering our session last night but winced at what happened before. I was bruised badly and would definitely need to see Recovery Girl to help with the healing process.

I leaned my head back on my pillow and hissed in pain, causing Aizawa to stir. I held my breath hoping to not wake him up but was unsuccessful. With eyes still closed, he muttered a "good morning" and turned away. I whispered it back, and he adjusted his body back to look at me.

"How are you feeling? You look so bruised," he said gently.

I shook my head but he continued, "I care about you a lot. I'm sorry again that things had to come to that."

I hugged him, and he kissed the top of my head.

"I'll go see Recovery Girl to get my body checked out. At least, I can minimize the healing time."

Before Aizawa could respond, we began hearing loud bangs overhead followed by angry screaming. We sat up and exchanged shocked glances.

"Bakugou," he whispered aloud.

We could hear more people coming closer as though responding to the noise.

"I hear Present Mic," Aizawa observed quietly.

More explosions set off, each one louder than the last. Aizawa shot out of bed and grabbed his clothes off the ground. I looked at him as he grabbed my ripped outfit and tossed it on the bed.

"We need to go. Mic and Midnight are doing search and rescue training with 1-A and will come in here any second. I can't believe I forgot about this."

I stood up and began putting the tattered remains of my suit on, curses spilling from my lips from the pain I was in. We grabbed all the trash and other out-of-place items, dumped them under the bed, and tried to fix the room as best we could with the few seconds we had.

Moments later, we heard a loud, strained voice echoing through the air, "Kacchan, please be careful!"

"Izuku," I said under my breath, realizing that we were running out of time.

They had to be on this very street by now.

Aizawa led me to a back window and helped me out before climbing out himself. We knew that the group couldn't be more than 100 feet away.

My heart was racing out of my chest at the thought of being caught like this. We moved silently but quickly through the alley we were in, bobbing and weaving between buildings and down side streets until we made it to a small opening in the fence. We crawled through and let out a deep breath. I threw my head back and leaned against a pole that was holding the fence up.

Aizawa stepped toward me with his jumpsuit zipped up halfway. He held my face and planted a firm kiss on my lips. My eyes stayed open, still in shock that this was happening.

"Let's head back to the dorms. Maybe we can do something tonight?" he said in his usually sleepy tone.

I swallowed hard, "Sure, I'd love that. Come up with something and I'll go with it."

He hummed, and we began the walk back. The comfortable silence was broken by the creaking of the teacher's dorm front door, where we saw Nezu and Cementos chatting in the common area.

"Woah, are you guys okay?" Cementos asked with concern.

"Y-Yeah! Why?" I choked out.

Nezu and Cementos stepped forward as they examined us.

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