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After class is done, Yuri clean her stuffs and turn to her friends and Yena. "I will go now. See you at home, unnie. Bye guys."

They all nodded and they bid a goodbye. Yuri quickly walked to the usual park. She walking and saw not many people were there.

And, Yuri saw Jihoon was waiting for her at the corner. She smiled and leaned closer to Jihoon.

"Jihoon ah." call her. Jihoon turn around and smiled to Yuri. The girl returned her smiles.

"Oh Yuri. Hi." Yuri laugh. "Hi. So why did you wanna meet me?"

ask Yuri and Jihoon's face are changed. He sigh. Yuri raised a brow. "Why? Is it about Doyeon and Yoojung?" asked Yuri again.

But Jihoon shook his head. Yuri feel weird. "Eo? Then why did you wanna meet me?" asked Yuri confused.

Jihoon take a deep breath and held both Yuri's hand. Yuri was startled. They look at each other.

"Yuri, I still love you. And, my feelings never changed for you." confessed Jihoon sweetly, Yuri was speechless.

"J-Jihoon I-I already sㅡ"

"Yes I know it. But can you at least tried to accept me again? You can try to loved me again. We can start it from down."

Jihoon cutted her off. Yuri lowered her head. She shook her head. "Sorry Jihoon but my answer is always no."

Jihoon's heart ache. She held Yuri's face and caressing it gently. "I know you still love me, Yul." they look at each other.

And then, Jihoon lean closer to Yuri and Yuri closed her eyes. Jihoon kiss her lips gently. Yuri startled.

She tried to pushed Jihoon but the man tighten his grip at Yuri's waist

Without they knowing, someone just arrived there and accidentally saw they kissing.

Her heart ache and tears start to fall down on her cheeks. She quickly leave the park.

Yuri felt mad and pulled out the kisses. She slap Jihoon's face loudly. Jihoon closed his eyes.

"I said I don't love you! Don't you understand it?! Why did you kiss me?!" Yuri yelled.

"Yuri I'm sorry forㅡ"

"Stop!" Yuri cutted him off. Jihoon looked at her. "Don't find me anymore! You are not my friends anymore and stay away from me!"

Yuri said, her eyes full with anger and she quickly leave Jihoon dumbfounded.

YURI entered her house. She felt so tired and need rest. Yuri look around her and didn't saw Yena.

"Where is Yena unnie?" ask herself and she go to Yena's room. She open the door and look in the room. It's empty.

Yuri feel weird more. "Eo? Where is she? I thought she's home?" Yuri asked and closed the door.

"Maybe she go to the cafe with them." Yuri mumbled and she decided to get a shower and sleep.

After done showering, she lay down on her bed and start to sleeping peacefully.

Yuri wake up from sleeping, she look around her. It's dark. Yuri took her phone beside her and look at the watch. It's already 8.30 p.m.

Yuri rubbed her eyes and stood up. She go to her bathroom and wash her face.

After that, she go outside her room. She shocked seeing the house was so dark. "Eh? Yena unnie is not coming home yet? Where did she go?"

Yuri start to feel worried. She go downstairs and open the lamps. Yuri sit on the couch. She sighed heavily.

Suddenly, her phone are ringing. Yuri look and saw Yena's name. She quickly answer the call.

Unnie! Where are you?

Sorry, I'm not your unnie. Are you Yuri?

Yes I am. Who are you?

I'm a bartender. The girl who owned this phone keep drinking from evening until now. She always said your name. Can you came here?

Omo okay okay. I will go now. Can you give me the address?

Yes of course. It's xxx xxx. Please come hurry.


Yuri ended the call and quickly stood up. She get outside the house and lock the door.

Yuri took a taxi to go to the bar.

YURI walked to the bar. "Sorry we can't let you in." said the guard. Yuri sigh. "I need to take my sister here. Can I come in?" ask Yuri.

The guards look at each other before nodded to Yuri. Yuri smiled and bowed. She quickly walked into the bar and saw Yena was drinking.

She run to Yena. "Unnie enough. Let's go home." said Yuri, she pulled Yena's hand. But Yena quickly pushed her.

"I... still.. w-want to.. drink. G-Go away.." answer Yena madly and pushed Yuri again. Yuri felt mad. "Unnie enough! Let's go home with me!"

Yuri lift Yena up and help her to walked. Yena just followed. They walked out from the bar. Yuri didn't forget to say thanks to the bartender.

Yuri get Yena into a taxi. Then, they go home. Yuri say thanks to the driver and she help Yena get inside the house.

She make Yena sit on the couch. Yuri then closed the door. She walked to the kitchen and took a small towel and a bowl of water.

She go to Yena and saw Yena was sleeping. Yuri sigh and wipe Yena's face gently. Yena smells alcohol. Suddenly, Yena open her eyes and saw Yuri.

She pushed Yuri's hand away make Yuri startled. They looked at each other.

"Unnie, what's wrong?" ask Yuri gently. Yena seems mad. "Go away. Don't help me, Chaewon." Yuri shocked.

Yena mistook her as Chaewon. "Yenaㅡ"

"Why did you send me home? I don't want being in this house! I hate to see Yuri!" Yuri was gasped.


To be continued...

A/N : hi you guys so my friend is new in wattpad and she made a story about Yenyul/Yulyen. Can you guys support her/his acc and her/his story? I was so happy if you guys can support her/him

btw this is her/his acc JellorizDoesStuff

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