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Yuri close her eyes tight. She sobs. Yena just looking at her. Then, she sigh. She held Yuri's face and wipe her tears away.

"I'm sorry, Yuri." say Yena, and Yuri burst out her tears. She's crying so hard. Yena could feel the pain Yuri hold.

Slowly, she pulled Yuri into a warm hugged. Yuri just let her be. Yena hug her tightly. "Shh.. I'm here for you. Let it out." said Yena gently.

Yuri then hug Yena back, she buried her face into Yena's neck. Yuri wrap her arms around Yena's neck. "U-Unnie.." call Yuri.

Yena nodded. "Yes, Joyul?" ask Yena.

"S-She's bad. S-She c-cheated on d-dad. D-dad love her so m-much. Then, s-she want to steal me f-from dad. I d-don't want to f-follow her.."

Yena nodded. Her chest was heavy and she can feel her eyes was teary.

"Shh.. I'm here, Joyul. Nobody will take you from dad, from me and from mom. She can't take you from us. I promise you."

reply Yena, she broke the hugged and looked at Yuri. "Look at me, Joyul." said Yena gently. Yuri obeyed her.

Yena smiling cutely and cupped Yuri's face. She wipe Yuri's tears.

"Trust me okay? I will take care of you. I promise." added Yena.

Yuri looked into her eyes. "R-Really? P-Promise?" Yena left out a soft giggles and nodded. Yuri finally smiles sweetly and hugged Yena again.

She rest her head on Yena's chest. "Thank you unnie. I love you." Yena shocked hearing that but she know Yuri loves her as her sister.

She smiled. "I love you too." and they hugging each other for a couple of minutes.

Then, Yena pulled out the hugged. "Let's cuddle. I want to hug you until you fall asleep." said Yena. Yuri smiled and nodded.

At the ended, they cuddling together and fall asleep.

CHAEWON sigh seeing Yena's place and Yuri's place are empty. Yujin look at her unnie.

"Why unnie?" ask Yujin. Chaewon shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know where is Yena and Yuri. Why did they didn't come today?" ask Chaewon.

Yujin also shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know too, unnie. Maybe they have a problem." answer Yujin.

Chaewon nodded. "Yeah, you are right." reply Chaewon and Yujin smiled proudly. Then, Minju and Wonyoung lean to them and sit at Yena and Yuri's place.

"Eh? Where is Yena unnie and Yuri?" ask Minju curiously. Chaewon and Yujin shrugged their shoulder.

"They didn't come today. Maybe they have a problem. We don't know."

answer Yujin and Minju with Wonyoung nodded.

Wonyoung feel weird. "What about we go to their house today? We can check what happen." suggested Wonyoung.

All of them nodded. "Yeah sounds good, Wony. Let's go to their house after this class." supported Chaewon. They agree.

Wonyoung and Minju go to their seat when the lecturer already come.

AFTER the class is finish, they all quickly clean their stuffs and walked leaving the class.

"Let's go to buy some foods for them. We can stayed at there for a while." suggested Chaewon.

"Yes it's good. We can talk or watch movie with them." support Yujin. Minju and Wonyoung nodded.

"But what we gonna buy for them?" ask Wonyoung. "Let's buy fried chicken and spicy tteokbokki for them." answer Chaewon.

They obeyed her. Then, they walked to the food shop and buy the foods. After that, they walked to Yena and Yuri's house.

Chaewon took her phone and dialled Yena's number. But the girl don't answered her phone.

"Where is she? Why Yena don't pick up the call?" answer her to all of them. They just look at Chaewon.

"Maybe they still asleep." answer Minju, calming down Chaewon. Wonyoung nodded. Chaewon sighed heavily.

They reached Yuri's house. Yujin hit the bell. But no one open the door. They felt weird. Yujin take her phone and dialled Yena's number.

Hey Yujin..

Finally you answered me, dumb duck! Where are you now?

I'm in my house with Yuri. Why?

Open the door. We already in front of your house.

Oh really? Ok wait.

Yena ended the call. She put her phone and look at Yuri who still sleeping in her arms. She smiled and held Yuri's arm.

"Joyul ahh.. Wake up. Our friends are here." say Yena gently. Yuri hummed and open her eyes.

"What, unnie?" Yena giggles. "Wake up, Joyul. Our friends are here. Go wash your face." Yuri moved a little and hugged Yena.

"I'm still sleepy, unnie."

"But we sleep from 8.00 p.m. until now. We also skipped class, Joyul." Yuri nodded. "I know I know." Yuri said and she wake up.

She rubbed her eyes and stood up. Yuri walked to her bathroom.

Yena also stood up and go downstairs. She wash her face and make sure she don't look like sleepy.

After that, she go to open the door. Everyone look at her.

"Finally you open the door, ducky! Why are you late?" ask Chaewon and they entered the house.

Yena closed the door. "I'm just wake up from sleeping with Yuri. We was so tired so we decided to skipped class." answer Yena.

They just nodded. Then, Yuri walked downstairs and lean to them. "Hey guys." they turned around and waved.

"Hi unnie." reply Yujin and Wonyoung. Yuri then sit beside Yena. "What are you guys doing here?" ask Yuri curiously.

"We just want to check up you two since you guys didn't came. And we also buy foods for us. You two must not eating yet?"

Both Yena and Yuri shook their head, answering Chaewon's question.

"Then, it's good. We buy spicy tteokbokki and fried chicken for you two. Let's eat." said Minju. Yena and Yuri nodded.

"Yuri unnie. What's wrong with your hand?" ask Wonyoung as she saw Yuri's hand. Yuri smiled fakely meanwhile Yena just look.

"I accidentally brokes a glass. Don't worry." answer Yuri and Wonyoung nodded. Yuri sigh of relief.

"Let's watch movies." said Yujin. "Sure." answer Yena and they start to watch the movie together.

To be continued...

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