twenty three

420 35 3

Yuri look at Mrs. Jo with full of anger. Mrs. Jo just smirked. "Ready to go to China? Leaving your stepsister and friends?" ask her.

Yuri gritted her teeth. "You.. bitch! Go to hell!" shouted Yuri and Mrs. Jo slap her face too loud until Yuri's lips have a blood.

Yuri scream in pain and Mrs. Jo held her hands tight.

"You fucking stupid daughter!! Shut up and just follow me, idiot!! You always make me trouble!" yelled Mrs. Jo.

Then, she look at her men. "Bring her into the car. We gonna leave now." said her and the men nodded. Mrs. Jo walked to the car.

"Let me go!! I don't want to go to China!! Yena unnie!" yelled Yuri as her tears fall down.

The men forcefully pulled her to the car, leaving the old house. Yuri still tried to pushed him.

Suddenly, a loud sound appeared and the men who holding Yuri fell off on the ground. Yuri startled and before she could turn around, someone closed her mouth and pulled her into the bushes.

Yuri felt scared, but she just followed the person. Then, the person let her go and Yuri immediately turn around.

"Shhh... They might heard us." the person said and smiled sweetly to Yuri. Yuri speechless.

"Yena unnie?" the personㅡYena smiled widely and wipe Yuri's tears. Yuri burst out her tears and hugging Yena tightly.

"Shhh... I'm here now don't be scared." Yena said gently and whispering to Yuri. Yuri nodded, she rest her head on Yena's chest.

"Hey lovebirds we are here too you know." both Yena and Yuri turn around and saw their friends was facepalmed.

"Now, what we gonna do? The police still not here. They already search Yuri." said Yujin and look at Mrs. Jo who was yelling.

"Let's faced them." suggest Yena and they jaw dropped.

Without knowing their answers, Yena quickly pulled Yuri out from the bushes.

Their friends quickly followed her.

"Hey bitch we are here." say Yena make Mrs. Jo turn around. She gritted her teeth. "You again? Why must you huh? Give Yuri to me!"

Yena laugh sarcastically and shook her head. "Never."

"Yuri is my daughter!! You just her stepsister so back off! I can do anything to her!" mad Mrs. Jo.

Yena hide Yuri behind her. She stepped forward and Yuri held her arm. "Unnie.." call her scaredly but Yena just smiled at her.

She turn back to Mrs. Jo and her face changed. "But I'm her stepsister plus her girlfriend. So I also can do anything to her, Mrs. Jo."

Mrs. Jo shocked and then she laugh. "Pff.. Girlfriend? Go to hell. I don't care who are you."

"And I also don't care who are you." retorted Yena back, she smirked.

Meanwhile Minju and Wonyoung, they hold their laugh.

Chaewon smiled evily to Mrs. Jo. Yujin and Yuri just silent. "Shut up and give Yuri to me!!" yelled the old woman.

Suddenly, the police came. All of them panicked except Yena and her gang. They just stay at their place.

"Police! Raised your hands up!" yelled a policemen, they obeyed him. The police quickly caught them.

"I'm the one who call you earlier." said Yujin, she bowed to the police. "Thank you."

YENA look at Yuri who was sleeping on her shoulder, she sigh and look in front of her.

"Guys, you wanna sleep in my house tonight? You guys must be so tired."

Yena breaking the silent. Chaewon and Minju nodded. "Yeah sure." answer Minju.

Yena smiled a little. "Let's eat first. I will cook for us. We have to eat." said Chaewon.

"Okay, unnie." reply Wonyoung and Yujin. Yena just silent. After that, they reached Yena's house.

All of them get out from the car. Meanwhile Yena turn to Yuri. She didn't want to wake up Yuri so she decided to lift Yuri.

Yena bring her like a bridal style and she put Yuri on the couch. She patted Yuri's head gently.

"Wony ah, can you please look at Yuri for a while? I want to get a shower." Wonyoung nodded while smiling.

Yena say thanks and go to her room. Wonyoung sit on the floor, she look at Yuri. "I love you, Yuri unnie. I'm sorry for not helping you."

Wonyoung apologized, she smiled bitterly.

Minju then come and sit beside Wonyoung. She hugged Wonyoung. "It's not your fault." say Minju, she smiled to Wonyoung.

Wonyoung sigh but she nodded, make Minju patted her head like a kid.

"Minju? Wony?" call Yuri make Minju and Wonyoung turn to her and shocked. "Oh Yuri you awake." reply Minju and Yuri wake up.

Minju and Wonyoung sit beside her left and right. "Unnie I'm sorry for not helping you." Wonyoung said, she hugged Yuri so tight.

Yuri smiled, she hugging Wonyoung back. "No it's okay. At least you tell to Yena unnie right?" Wonyoung nodded.

"Yuri you awake." all of them turn around and saw Chaewon with Yujin.

Yuri smiled. "I already done cooking. Let's eat first. You guys must be so hungry." add Chaewon and they obeyed her.

"Where is Yena unnie?"

"I'm here, dog."

Yena walked to them and stopped beside Minju. She already wear her pyjama.

"Okay then, let's eat." said Chaewon and they go to the dining table.

They start to eat with silent because everyone was so hungry.

"Tonight, you and Wonyoung can sleep in Yuri's room. You and Minju can sleep in another room. Okay?" they nodded.

"Yuri did they hurt you?" ask Minju suddenly. Yuri lift her head up. She smiled fakely before shook her head.

"No don't worry." answer her and continue to eat. They nodded except Yena.

She know Yuri was avoiding her eyes and she also know, Mrs. Jo hurt her.

To be continued...


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