Part 19

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"NICK!" Demi screamed.

Nick wasn't moving. The world seemed to stop. Demi's entire body felt weak and her heart sank to her stomach. She gathered all her strength and ran toward him, tears welling up in her eyes. She bent down beside him and stroked his cheek gently. She couldn't believe her eyes as she stared at his motionless body in front of her. She tried to speak, but nothing came out. The only sound she could make was a sob. The bodyguards rushed over to Nick to see what they could do to help.

Just then, Nick stirred and let out a painful groan. His clenched shut eyes revealed that he was in pain. "My shoulder." His voice was just above a whisper as he tried to move.

"Oh, my God." Demi let out a breather, relieved that he was still alive. For a split second, she thought she had lost him. She examined his body and found no major bleeding aside from some scratches on both of his hands and a cut under his chin. The upper left sleeve of his jacket was ripped. "It's okay, baby. We got you." She instructed the bodyguards to carry him to the car. He needed to be taken to the hospital immediately.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Nick was rushed to the treatment room. Demi was left in the waiting area with her assistant and a bodyguard. She was agitated the entire time she waited for an update on Nick's condition. It was as if she was reliving the day Nick was reported missing. The only difference this time was that she witnessed what had happened.

After two hours of treatment, Nick was released from the hospital and ready to go home. Thank heavens, the injuries weren't serious. He sustained a non-displaced fracture on his left shoulder from the impact of the fall while trying to dodge being hit by the car, so surgery was not required. An arm sling, medication, and physical therapy would be enough. The cut under his chin was bandaged, and the other injuries were minor cuts and bruises.

When they arrived at Demi's house, the bodyguard helped Nick get into the house while Demi trailed behind them. Soon after, Phil arrived, accompanied by a police officer, to obtain the couple's statement regarding the accident. Nick described the incident in detail from his point of view, leaving the suspicion aside. He didn't see the driver, so it was best not to make any assumptions. Demi, on the other hand, had a specific person in mind who she suspected of trying to harm them.

After about forty five minutes of providing all the necessary information, everyone left the house, leaving the couple to rest. Demi's assistant was reluctant to leave at first, but she had no choice but to respect her boss' privacy.

Later that evening, the couple retired to their bedroom. He didn't talk much after they got home. Even while he was questioned by the police officer, he responded with short answers. The only thing that mattered to him was that Demi was safe. After taking his medication, he was ready to call it a night. He was sitting on a vanity chair in the corner of Demi's bedroom, trying to change his clothes, but the injury was still fresh and hurt, so it was clearly difficult for him. Noticing that, Demi came over to help.

She crouched down in front of him and undid his shirt buttons. She was being very careful not to hurt him. While she was peeling the sleeve of his shirt off of him, he winced. "Sorry. I'll be gentler." Her heart ached at the sight of his swollen shoulder and other bruises on his body. She knew Nick was tough, but knowing he was hurt because he was trying to save her made her sad and upset at the same time. She then tossed the shirt into the hamper and reached for a tank top that was lying on the bed, helping him put it on.

While she was pulling the tank top down over his torso, he saw her hands quivering. Her expression was somber. After years of knowing Demi, he was very familiar with that demeanor. She was acting tough and trying to keep her emotions under control because she was afraid she would break down from anger or frustration. He gently took her hand in his and held it. "Are you okay?"

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