Part 5

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Demi became more restless as they got closer to the hospital. She could hear her own heartbeat so loud in her ears. On their way to the hospital, she was praying in silent for Nick. She was relieved that he had been found, but he was unconscious when they discovered him, which scared her even more. How badly injured was he? Would he survive?

After about forty minutes of driving, they reached the hospital, and Demi practically jumped out of the SUV and sprinted to the emergency room. Marissa trailed behind her, catching up to Demi's pace. Demi spotted a man at the end of the hall; tall, tanned-skinned, athletic build with buzz cut hair and a look like young Jason Momoa, standing while reading something on his phone. He had his police badge dangling around his neck, so she was sure he was the officer Marissa was talking to on the phone earlier. She hurried to see him.

"Where's Nick?" Demi asked, out of breath.

The officer looked stunned by the sudden encounter but kept a calm demeanor. "Ms. Lovato, Ms. Callahan." He greeted both ladies with a faint smile and put the phone in his back pocket. "Nick is still in the ER. It's been two and half hours now."

"How did you find Nick? What about the other guy?" Marissa asked, standing next to Demi.

Officer Okalani took a quick breath and exhaled. "We found them somewhere outlying from the usual track of the off-road trail. According to Brad, the other guy, they split up with the group during the ride and wandered off the trail. On their ride back to the base camp, the rain got heavier with the storm and Nick's ATV skidded and crashed his ATV into a large rock. Both of them were injured, but Nick's injuries were pretty serious. Brad broke his right wrist due to falling while trying to help Nick. He got a few cuts as well, but nothing major. He had already been released from the hospital thirty minutes ago. Nick is still in surgery."

Demi felt lightheaded and almost lost her balance after hearing the explanation. She held Marissa's hand for support. Officer Okalani motioned for both women to take a seat on the nearby bench as he stood in front of them. "We have to wait for the doctor to know more about Nick's condition. I'm sorry, Ms. Lovato."

Demi was speechless. All she could do was to let the tears fall. She leaned back on the bench and prayed in her heart. Her boyfriend was now fighting for his life in the operating room. He would survive. He must. The news was indeed another blow to her. Being at a loss for words as to how to comfort Demi, Marissa was only able to sit in silence and stick close to her best friend.

Officer Okalani took out his phone from his back pocket and read something on it. "Please excuse me; I need to go back to the precinct. I'll be back in a few days to get the statements from both victims. Be strong, ladies. I pray that he'll get through this." He said with a warm smile He faced this kind of situation many times throughout his career as a policeman, while there was nothing he could do to help lighten the burden, offering his prayers was the least he could do.

Marissa nodded as she looked at him, speaking on behalf of her friend. "Thank you, Officer."

"You have my number so if you two need anything, don't hesitate to call. I'm here to help." Officer Okalani gave Marissa a last glance and nodded at her before leaving the hallway.

After what seemed like hours of waiting, the operation room door opened and a man in a blue surgical cap emerged in the hallway, with a nurse trailing behind him. With grayish hair on both sides of his head, a thin build, and a mature look, he looked like one of the senior surgeons. Both Demi and Marissa shot up straight from their seats.

"How's Nick?" Demi asked, her voice hoarse, as she wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. Marissa wrapped her arms around Demi, who clung to her as they waited for the doctor to speak.

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