Part 20

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"N-Nick?" She finally found her voice to mutter his name. "Is it really you?" It sounded like a question as if she was asking for a confirmation if it was really him.

"Yeah, it's Nick. Am I calling at the wrong time?" His voice was cautious.

"No, you're not. I'm at home right now." She responded. Her voice slightly trembled. She couldn't comprehend what exactly she was feeling at the time, but hearing his voice threw her emotions out of whack. Other than surprise, sad and worried at the same time, she was happy to hear his voice again. The dull ache of the longing she had for him was finally soothed. But the sudden call also sparked curiosity in her. Why did he call her after so long? "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Why you're asking that?"

She rolled her eyes. "Because this is unexpected. It's been a while since I heard from you." Duh. They hadn't spoken in four months, was she supposed to be excited to get his sudden phone call? "It's been four months, Nick. Why now?"

"Am I too late?" His voice was trembling with worry. Although they both agreed that the break meant they were temporarily off each other's radar and not officially broken up, taking a break from a relationship may change someone's heart.

"It's not that. We mutually agreed on taking a break and there's no time frame on it. But it's still surprising to hear from you after so long." She explained. At some point, she was ready to give up and not to put too much hope. She was so close to believing that they were really over.

"The only reason is that I've been thinking about you a lot and I need to hear your voice. I..." He paused, debating whether or not to say what was on his mind. He took a short breath and said, "I really miss you."

She sucked in a breath when she heard those words. It warmed her heart. They hadn't spoken in four months, and she thought she'd never hear those words again. It was like a hint that his heart hadn't changed. She craved to hear those words for so long. Those words, however, felt long overdue.

"Uhm... are you free now?"


"Because er... if you don't mind, I-I want to see you." He phrased the words carefully.

"See me?"

"I'm at your front gate."

"You what?" She jumped off of the bed, leaving the phone flew and she didn't care. She went straight to the window to see if he was really at the front gate. There he was. She couldn't believe her eyes. She had no idea what to do. Was she prepared to see him again? She turned to the bedroom door and still couldn't make up her mind. Her feet froze in the spot she was standing.

"Hello? Demi?" Nick was still on the phone, but all he could hear on the other end of the line was silence. He looked up at the window and saw only closed curtains. At that point, his confidence was dwindling. It was a bad idea to show up unannounced like that. He sighed as he glanced up to the window one last time, hoping to catch a glimpse of Demi, but to no avail. He knew that was a sign that it was time for him to leave.

Just as he took a few steps away from where he was standing, he heard the gate opened. He turned around with raised eyebrows. She opened the gate for him. It was surprising and exciting at the same time. With careful steps, he walked to the main door of the house. His heart thumped harder as his feet stopped at the door. His palms started to sweat. The surroundings were familiar, but they felt foreign to him at that moment. Four months ago, he could walk into the house with ease like it was his. But now all he could do was stare at the ebony-colored door, not knowing of what to expect on the other side of it.

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