Part 12

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She gasped and closed her mouth with one hand when her eyes landed on the photo. The revelation was shocking. Her lower lip quivered. "Oh my God." She said in a quiet voice when her eyes landed on the photo. She then flipped the photo. As she looked at handwritten words at the back of the photo, tears fell down from her eyes. She remembered clearly of when he wrote the note behind the photo. The words meant a lot to them. Those simple words spoke volume of how far they've progressed from best friend to a couple. "Do you" She asked in a whisper as tears glistened in her eyes.

He inched forward, rested his elbows on his knees as he massaged his temple. His expression was unreadable. Then he said, "I remember something about 'crossing the line of our friendship'..."

"What do you remember about that?" She asked with a soft tone. Although she was curious, she was also careful not to push him to remember things he couldn't. She wanted him to talk and open up to her about his problem, but she knew that would cause pressure to his brain and also his emotion. She sat there, waiting patiently for him to speak.

He massaged his temple again. He tried to say a word, but he couldn't form the right sentence to explain to her. He suddenly felt anxious as the discussion with Dr. Harris that morning popped in his head. After knowing about the PTSD he was suffering due to the accident, it was really a game changer for him. Losing his memory was a scary experience, now he was terrified. He didn't know how to face the real world. He tried to make sense of a lot of things in his life, including the past he couldn't remember much, but he never thought it could be as serious as having PTSD. That was the reason why he didn't talk much on their way home. It was too loud in his head.

She noticed the restlessness in his gesture. She knew how uncomfortable it can be when there were too many things in your mind, but you can't say it out loud. She didn't want to bring up about PTSD thingy abruptly, especially because Nick was clueless about her knowing about it. If he wanted to tell her, he would. If he didn't, she will help him open up. Realizing the apprehension, she put down the photo on her lap and put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it softly to calm him. "If you're not comfortable, you can tell me about it later." She flashed a faint smile to him.

The small gesture she made somehow calm him down a bit. As much he wanted to be alone and do a deep thinking, he couldn't deny that Demi's presence gave him comfort. He felt less pressure whenever she was around. He felt more at ease when she talked to him, keeping his spirit up, even when he was ignoring her. Despite of not having any memory of her as his best friend nor girlfriend, deep down his heart, he trusted her. He knew he could open up to Demi about his struggle and she will not judge him.

When there was no answer from him, she wondered if he really wanted to talk about it. "If you need a time alone, I can leave." She suggested half-heartedly. Although she regretted saying it, but if it means to help him feel better, she would do it to give him some space to think.

"No. Stay, please." He replied instantly as he shook his head and looked at her. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Actually, there's something more important you should know." He said nervously.

"What is it?"

"During the session with Dr. Harris, I told her about the photo and what happened at your house days ago. We talked through it and she said that I uhm..." He chewed his bottom lip. "I have the symptom of PTSD and I'm suffering one." He said it and lowered his head.

"Oh Nick," She instinctively wrapped her arms around his shoulder and leaned her cheek on his head – a gesture she would always do to comfort him. She was glad he told her, because she knew it was a tough for him to open up about it. But at the same time she was also sorry for him. He'd been through so many things since the accident and to face PSTD was another heavy burden for him to carry. "I'm sorry to hear that." She gently rubbed his back.

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