Part 11

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He lifted his eyes and looked at her. He took a very deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I think I remember something..."

Her eyes widened and her mouth slightly opened upon hearing what he said. She could feel the rush of emotions take over her whole body. For a second, she froze. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. It was the news she'd been waiting to happen for so long. Although somehow she used to think, it might take longer for his memory to resurface. But she can't help but wonder, what did he remember?

He pursed his lips before he spoke. "I need to go back to LA to see my counselor. What happened last night was overwhelming and I really need time to process everything in my head."

She was surprised with what she just heard, but at the same time she was also curious. " you want to tell me? Maybe I can help."

"I don't know, Demi. Everything happened so fast, like a flash of light. I'm not sure if it was a memory, but it scares me. It seems real and scary." He let out a ragged breath and looked away.

"What do you mean?" She paced slowly towards him and sat on the edge of bed next to him. "Nick, talk to me. You come here because you want me to help you and I will, but I need you to tell me what's wrong."

He tilted down his head and let out a soft sigh. "I don't know where to start." He tried to explain what happened to him last night, but failed to form a word.

She noticed the nervousness in his gesture as if recalling last night event was traumatic. She knew something was wrong with her boyfriend. Looking at the situation, she knew she shouldn't push him to explain. She didn't want to add more pressure to what he'd already been through. At that moment, she knew what she should do. She gently placed a hand on his forearm to comfort him. "Nick, it's okay. I won't pressure you. I understand if you need some time and want to see your counselor. But...I'll come with you to LA. With your condition right now, I'm not letting you leaving alone."

"Demi, you don't have to..."

"Nick, I want to." She said firmly. She flashed a warm smile to him as she grabbed his hand and gave a little squeeze. "I promised to be by your side, every step of the way until you get your memory back and I will keep that promise."

Instead of disagreeing, he nodded in agree to the proposition. Though he was a bit hesitant, but he was somehow pleased with the offer. He knew Demi would be a good companion, especially at the time like that. He could use some support from a dear friend like her. "Thank you, Demi."


They arrived at LAX in almost midnight and they parted to the respective home. Nick insisted that he need a time alone, at least for a night. As much as Demi wanted to stay with him and was reluctant to leave him at first, she had no choice but to respect his request. She didn't want to intrude his privacy. Although she wasn't able to sleep well that night, she tried not to worry too much about him.

The next day, Nick made an appointment with his counselor and asked Demi to come with him. She was more than happy when he asked, even offered to drive him there. Frankly, even if he didn't ask, she would pop in front of his door and come with him whether he likes it or not. On their way to the therapist's office, he didn't talk much. She tried to make some small conversations, but received more hums than talk.

When they arrived at the counselor's office, the receptionist was expecting him so the lady motioned him to the room.

"You go. I'll for you here." She said, flashing a warm smile. A part of her wanted to go in with him, but she used to be in his position so she knew how important the session was. He needed the time to express everything he has been holding in. He only nodded to her and entered the room.

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