Part 2

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It was almost 7 p.m. Demi was restless as she glanced at her wristwatch several times during a meeting with a record label producer at the studio. It wasn't because she was bored or the meeting was uninteresting, but because she had a plan to surprise Nick at the airport. He was leaving for Hawaii to promote his new movie, and they wouldn't see each other for twelve days. While she was listening to the conversation between her manager and the producer, her phone vibrated and her face light up when she saw the name appeared on the screen. Her finger slid the phone screen leisurely to read the incoming text message.

Nick: Hey, babe. Are you still at the studio?

Demi: Yup. The discussion isn't over yet. Are you the airport? What time is your flight?

Nick: I'll be leaving for the airport soon. I'm at home packing some stuff. My flight leaves at 11pm.

Demi: I wish I could catch up with you before you leave. We always spend some time together before any of us leaves for a long period.

Nick: Well, we spent the whole night having a mind-blowing sex last night. You can sneak out from the meeting if you want to. I'll still be at home for at least an hour. We can do a lot of things in an hour. And I'm about to take a nice hot shower. Oooh I wish you were here. 😉

Demi: Don't tease me like that, Jonas. As much I want to be with you right now, Phil will kill me if I do that.

Nick: Your loss, Miss Lovato.

Demi: Shut up!

Nick: 😂 Talk to you later. I love you.

Demi: I love you. 😘

When she heard him clear his throat, she turned her eyes to her manager. "Sorry, I was just replying to some important messages." She pressed her lips, trying to hide a smile.

The meeting ended around 8.40pm, and she realized she only had a few hours before Nick's flight took off. They said their proper goodbye to the music producer, and when she and Phil exited the studio, she hurried to the parking lot. "I see you later, Phil." She said in a hurry.

Looking at the rush, Phil stretched out his hand to stop the singer. "Wait a second, young lady. Why are you in such a hurry?" His tone was serious, but calm.

"I-um..." She avoided his gaze. "I have-um...thing to do."

"What kind of thing? What is so important that you can't put a full attention on the discussion we were having just now?" He narrowed his eyes.

She let out a defeated sigh. Phil sounded irritated, and she could tell by the tone of his voice. It was unprofessional of her not to pay attention to her work. She bit her lower lip and swallowed, preparing herself to be told off. "It'"

"It's Nick." He cocked his brow. "Oh, Demi... I can tell by the look on your face. Could you please be a little more subtle next time? We're dealing business and I need you to be focused."

"I'm sorry." She laughed sheepishly, trying to hide the flush on her cheeks. "He'll be leaving soon, so I want to see him before he catches his flight."

"All right. I let it pass this time. Well, I guess see each other this morning at home isn't enough?"

She opened her mouth to answer, but decided not to. Instead, she smiled at him. "I promise I won't do it again. I must go now. My Lyft is here." With that, she ran to the waiting car.


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