Part 22

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"LAPD called me this morning. They got the perpetrator."


"It was a man known as Greg. According to the detective in-charge of the case, the guy was caught on surveillance camera wandering around Demi's neighborhood, and a few neighbors had filed a police report about him. He had a few offenses on his record, including shoplifting, house burglary, stalking, and harassment. He testified that he intended to break into Demi's house because he knew she's a celebrity. So he had stalked her a few times prior to the incident. He also claimed that the hit-and-run was planned by an accomplice and that he was paid to carry it out. The cops apprehended the accomplice this morning. You may not be surprised to know who was behind it."

"Let me guess, the crazy ex-girlfriend?" Demi spoke. Her tone was obviously annoyed.

"Yes. That woman resented you for your short-lived relationship. Long story short, she saw the guy by accident while she was stalking Demi's house. When evil and evil cross paths, they devise a devious plan. With the driver's confession of the accident, she was now a suspect, but not under arrest just yet. She had her lawyer with her, denying the allegation."

"Are you saying that the bitch that planned everything is trying to escape? She fucking planned the accident." Demi's tone was almost shouting at the phone.

"I understand your frustration, Demi, but she has been detained for further investigation. All of the evidence gathered by the police points to her, and I believe she will be charged sooner rather than later. The CCTV footage and the security guard's testimony of her following you and being around your house are enough to charge her of stalking. These evidences will help in the speeding up of the process. I've already spoken with our lawyers, and they're filing a Protection Order against your ex-girlfriend as we speak. I'll do whatever is in my power to resolve this matter." Phil explained it to Demi while Nick listened attentively.

Demi was having mixed feelings after hearing Phil's explanation. She was relieved and angry at the same time. She was relieved to learn that her crazy ex had been arrested. That bitch deserved it. But her heart was filled with rage as she thought about her ex's attempt to harm her and Nick

"This is crazy, man." He let out a heavy sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. He shifted his weight slightly and cast a glance at his girlfriend. "But this is good update. Finally, we know who did it."

"I know. Our team has already taken the necessary action and will leave the rest to the authorities." The manager reassured the couple.

"All right. Thanks, man." He said and hung up the call.

When the phone call ended, the car fell silent once more. Both of them were lost in their own thoughts. In Nick's opinion, the management had taken all the necessary measures to protect them, and they shouldn't worry much. As for Demi, although the news sparked the same anger she felt after the hit-and-run incident, knowing that her ex was going to pay for what she did made her feel a little better. Karma was indeed a bitch.

Then Nick spoke up, drawing her attention to him as he asked, "Do you want to come up and have a drink? This news is a call for a toast."

"A toast?"

"After everything we've been through since the hit-and-run, we deserve to celebrate the good things that happened today – my recovery and the arrest of the culprit. The smoothies are good, but we need a proper celebratory drink." He looked at her with anticipation in his eyes.

She gave the idea some thought. Their relationship had been through many trials and tribulations that could have broken them, but their love remained strong, and they were able to overcome all the bad things that were thrown at them. So, she didn't see anything wrong with celebrating. "Okay, why not."

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