Part 4

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"Who were you just talking to?" Demi looked at Marissa perplexedly, but she complied, and the two ladies sat on the couch next to each other.

The blonde girl hesitated to respond as she struggled to come up with a suitable response to the information she had just been given. She swallowed and cleared her throat. "That was Nick's father."

Demi's face dropped the second she heard the name. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest. She wasn't prepared for any more bad news. Her breathing became erratic. "T-tell me w-what happen."

Marissa swallowed and adjusted her position on the couch. She inhaled deeply and slowly let it out. "The Fire and Rescue Department has found four out of six missing people. However, none of them were Nick. The search is still ongoing, and they will not give up until they have found all of them."

The news hit her hard, but she noticed hesitation in Marissa's eyes as if she was hiding something from her. "And?" Demi asked.

Marissa breathed a sigh. It was hard for her to break the news to Demi, but she wouldn't comfort her best friend with a lie either. "It's been eighty hours now. They're very concerned about the other two, especially Nick. With his diabetes condition and the lack of food, they can't say much about his chances of survival. But they're hopeful."

Demi closed her eyes, unable to hold back the tears. Her body trembled as she sobbed. Marissa drew in closer and hugged her tightly. "H-he could be d-dead." Demi mumbled between sobs.

"We don't know that yet. Have faith, Dems." Marissa spoke softly into the brunette's ear. Seeing Demi in such a heartbroken state brought tears to her eyes as she held her friend. If she only knew how to make Demi feel better, she do anything to help her. But, there was nothing she could say or do to stop the suffering.


After wearing herself out with crying, Demi sat at the window pane in the living room. She hugged her legs and rested her chin on her knees as she looked out the window. It was raining heavily outside, as if the weather was weeping with her. Ever since Marissa told her the update from Nick's father, she had gone completely silent. Later that evening, Phil came to her house. But he was ignored by her too. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Not even to Marissa.

Phil and Marissa sat at the kitchen counter, most likely discussing work or Nick or whatever. She kept her sights out the window. Her only thought was of her missing boyfriend. She missed him badly. She couldn't help but imagine the worst when she thought of Nick and her heart ached each time. Longing for him was agonizing, especially when she remembered their last conversation before he went on the off-road tour. If she hadn't been mean to him during their last phone call, the heartache would have been less painful.

"You can go doing whatever you want and take as much days as you want. It's your life anyway. I don't fucking care..."

Yes, she was upset, but what she said to him was completely unnecessary. Of course she cared. In fact, she cared so much about his well-being, health, and happiness. But when she was upset, she usually had no control of her words. Now those words hurt her more than ever. But she had a feeling he was still alive somewhere. But they were right; given Nick's health, the likelihood of the worst happening to him was high. But she'd rather know his whereabouts than wonder on whether he was dead or alive.

When she looked around the house, she felt as if she could hear, feel, or even see him. All of the memories she shared with him in the house brought back memories of him. She felt like she had gone insane with each passing second.

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