Part 15

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Shocked by the incident before his eyes, he froze. All he could see was a shaking, visual, and then the screen went dark. "Demi?!" He shouted at the screen. His heart was racing hard in his chest and he felt like he was about to get a heart attack. To say he was scared was an understatement – he was damn petrified. Unknowingly, the shock relived the accident in Hawaii. His brain immediately stopped some of its normal functions to deal with the threat. He felt light-headed and his hands were shaking.

Seconds later, the screen was back on and he saw his girlfriend face appeared on the screen. She was giggling and said something to her assistant. Then her eyes were back to the screen. "Sorry babe. I dropped my phone. Kelsey didn't see the speed bump." She said nonchalantly. Her face dropped the second she noticed the change in his expression. She never saw him like that. "Babe, are you okay?"

Fear and shock were plastered all over his face and for a moment, he lost in his thought. That wasn't the first trigger, but it gave him a major effect. He can't seem to shake off the scary memory his head easily. He shut his eyes tightly, inhaled a few deep breaths and exhaled very slowly, calming himself. His other hand was balled into a fist as he tried to control the temper. He composed himself as he cleared his throat and spoke, "Um...yeah, I-I am. Are you o-okay?"

"I'm okay. We hit nothing or nobody, just speed bump." She reassured him. "Baby, are you sure you're okay? You don't look good." She asked again with her furrowed eyebrows. She could see the something off in his eyes and the color of his face started to turn white as if he saw a ghost or something.

"I-I'm good." He faked a smile. "I'm glad you're o-okay." His voice trembled a little, but he managed to keep his cool.

From the way his restless gesture, she could tell that something happened and he was hiding something. But she won't press him to talk. It wasn't the best time since she wasn't alone in the car. And if she asks, he won't tell her right at that moment. She knew him well. So she made a mental checklist to ask him once she gets home. "Alright then. I'll be home tonight and I can't wait to see you. How about a movie night and a takeout at your place? I pick the movie and you pick the dinner." She suggested and smiled to him.

He nodded slightly. "Sounds like a good plan. I see you tonight."

"Great. I love you, baby." She said and blew a kiss to the screen.

He smiled to her – a genuine one this time. "I love you. Bye."

When the video call ended, he leaned back in the chair and let out a heavy sigh. His heart rate slowed down, but he could feel a weak twinge in his chest. He massaged his forehead, tried to ease the stinging feeling in his head. Recurrences he had before were mostly in his sleep and as much it caused him a lack of sleep, he managed to deal with it. But the flashback in his head just now was new and it was bothering him. He thought he was getting better, but what he had just experienced was absolutely the opposite of better. Sooner or later he would have to tell Demi, but for now, he hoped he could handle it by himself.


Demi landed at LAX around 5.30pm and she asked her assistant to take her car and go home while she took an Uber to Nick's house. After a 30 minute ride, she arrived at Nick's house and was eager to see him. Well, love makes you excited without you even know why.

Using the key given to her, she cheerfully entered the house and noticed the dim lighting in the living room. It was quiet. She softly called, "Baby?" She looked around, but the owner of the house wasn't there. Then she saw the light coming from his bedroom. A smile curved at the corner of her lips as she wanted to surprise him. But instead, she was the one to be surprised. When she pushed the door, she saw him sitting on the floor, leaning against the end of the bed, his head in his hands. He was clad in dark faded jeans and grey long sleeves T-shirt. On the floor, there were a half-empty glass of water and a bottle of medication she couldn't tell what exactly it was. Seeing the situation, worry rushed over her as she hurried towards him. "Nick!" She knelt beside him and touched his face. "Are you okay?" Her voice was shaking.

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