Part 17

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Stood there was her ex-girlfriend; Lauren Abedini. The one she dumped because her heart was set on Nick. The end of their relationship was bitter and nasty. With this one, there was no reason whatsoever for Demi to stay friendly. The worst part was that she never told Nick about it. And now the woman was there in front her.

"Long time no see you, Demi." She stood there with a sneer on her face.

Nick's gaze shifted between the two women. He remembered the woman. She was the reason Demi rejected him the night he confessed his feeling. But, at the time, they were just a fling, or so Demi claimed. Honestly, running into your ex was nothing out of the ordinary. However, there was something odd about Demi's reaction to the unexpected encounter. What was the whole story between these two?

"What are you doing here?" Demi asked as she hung up the phone. Her tone was harsh. The unexpected appearance of the woman was most unwelcome.

Lauren stepped forward to her ex-girlfriend. A cynical smile plastered on her face. Her demeanor was so laid-back that it appeared the encounter was pre-planned. "Is that how you greet an old friend?" She asked sarcastically.

"We're not friends." Demi shot back at her snide remark. "What exactly do you want?"

"Oh sorry, I forgot that we're not friends. We are the exes who never officially dated." Lauren replied cynically. Her expression remained unchanged. "I was actually nearby. Then I spotted you and your charming boyfriend..." She motioned with her hand to Nick. "...having breakfast together. How sweet. So I'm here to say hello."

Demi gave her a cold look, unimpressed by the sarcasm. Nick simply stood there and observed the two women's interaction. "I don't have any more business with you, Lauren. So I suggest that you just fuck off." Demi said bitterly to her ex before turning on her heels.

"Wait, Demi." Lauren said, causing Demi to stop. "I'm not here to cause trouble. I simply want to make peace with you so that we can both move on from our past. I know we'll never be friends again, but we can at least be friendly."

Demi turned back to face the woman and she scoffed, "As you can see, I moved on." She paused for a moment to observe Lauren's expression. It was amazing how Lauren managed to keep her composure despite her venomous tone. "And I don't do friendly exes. We were done, and I'd like it to stay that way. Goodbye."

As Demi was about to turn around, Lauren grabbed Demi's elbow and drew closer to her. "You dumped me like a crumpled piece of paper you no longer want," She said tensely into Demi's ear. "I'm glad to see you happy with him, but I suggest you enjoy your fairytale while you still can, because happily ever after isn't going to be easy for you...or for him." She let go of Demi's elbow and walked away with an evil grin on her lips.

Demi was taken aback by what she had just heard. Her heart was racing in her chest, but not in a good way. She was terrified. What the fuck did she mean by that?

Nick tapped Demi's shoulder gently, and she gasped in response, causing him to frown. "Are you all right, babe?" His casual tone was tinged with concern.

She could only nod, unable to form a convincing word. "Let's go home." She said, shakily, as she took his hand in hers and dragged him to the car. When she looked at her boyfriend, the thought of losing him flashed through her mind, frightening her.

When they got into the car, they were both quiet. Demi was breathing deeply and slowly, attempting to calm her racing heart. She despised such an unexpected encounter. There were so many thoughts racing through her mind right now.

"What was that?" Nick asked as he turned to face her. Curiosity and confusion were all over his face.

She didn't respond right away. She couldn't think of anything to say to him. She was still reeling from her encounter with her ex. The best option was to tell the truth, which wasn't always easy. So, she decided to keep it to herself for the time being. "It was nothing."

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