Part 16

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While she was appreciating her lover, the tranquil moment of the night suddenly changed. He stirred in his sleep with a ragged breath. His eyes were shut tightly and his breathing was harsher as seconds passed as if he was choking on something. His face contorted as if he was in pain. "No! Please!" His voice was shallow as his breathing labored, beads of sweat on his forehead. "Don't go!" His body started to shake uncontrollably. "Don't leave me."

The unexpected situation sent her into an alarming mode. She quickly sat up to wake him up. "Nick, wake up." She shook his body. "Nick!"

He was trembling in his sleep, his hands flailing as if he was shielding himself from something so scary. One second his breathing was labored, the next he sounded like he was choking. "Please don't leave..." His voice came out a whisper, trailing off.

Demi got up on her feet as panic rushed over her. She had no idea how to help him in that situation. She took a deep breath and knelt on the floor beside him. "Baby, can you hear me? Open your eyes, please." She touched the side of his face and she could feel the heat of his body against her palm. "Nick, wake up."

Just then, he abruptly opened his eyes and puffed hard. He quickly sat up from his position when his eyes landed on her and hugged her. "You're here." He muttered as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. A soft cry left his mouth. "You're alive." He muffled under his breath, but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Baby, I'm here." She smoothly rubbed his back, comforting him. His sniffle slowly fading, the trembling lessened. But she couldn't help but shocked at what he just said. You're alive. What was that supposed to mean? After years of knowing him, she never witnessed anything like that. He had bad dreams before, but never to the extent where he was shaking in his sleep and woke up crying. What really happened? They stayed in the embrace for a while.

When they broke apart from the hug, his eyes wandered around the house, confirming where he was. When his brain registered the surrounding, he blew out a heavy breath. He felt lightheaded and tightness in his chest. He put his hand on his forehead and gave it a slight rub. His eyes were closed. The dream he had was overwhelming, making his head pounding. There was a brief silence between them.

She looked at him with worry in her eyes. The nightmare must have related to the PTSD. She wanted to ask him everything, she wanted to help him heal, but she knew her limit. She can't push him. If she does, he would withdraw and it won't help the healing. And it could strain their relationship. But the silence was killing her. "How are you feeling? You scare me there for a minute."

He didn't answer. He shifted in his seat, feeling slightly uncomfortable. The overwhelming feeling from the nightmare still lingers and it makes him want to run off. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to push her away. But a tiny voice in his head told him that it won't solve anything. When he lifted up his head to look at her, his eyes glistened with tears. His expression was solemn. He breathed in deeply and slowly let it out. Then he spoke, "The nightmare was so real." His hands were suddenly shaking. "I keep having them over and over again. I'm scared. I can't imagine..." He paused and breathed out a heavy sigh. He shook his head with his eyes closed, pained expression on his face. "I- I thought I was going to lose you."

Seeing the situation, she grabbed his hands and gave them a soft squeeze. Her heart ached at the sight of him like that – vulnerable and shaking like a falling leaf. She couldn't think of the best comfort words that would help ease the distress he was in at this point. So she went with, "Hey, you can feel me, you can see me. I'm here."

The conversation stopped. He left out a sad sigh. The silence gave him time to contemplate how to explain the whole nightmare situation to her. He could just sweep the matter under the rug and pretend like it was nothing. The problem was, what just happened wasn't nothing. The nightmare had been haunting him and if he keeps bottling it up, it won't do him any good. He glanced at his girlfriend as she was moving around the kitchen. Hundreds of question and thoughts swam in his head. How will she react when she finds out what trigger his PTSD episode? May it hurt her feeling? How far the truth can hurt someone you love if it is the best though?

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