Part 24

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Nick cleared his throat before he spoke, "What do you think about moving in together?" He looked at Demi intently, trying to read her expression. He could see a slight frown on her face, but he got nothing but silence.

Demi shifted in his embrace as she studied his features, trying to figure out why he was asking the question. "I think moving in together is a big step. It means seeing all sides of each other every single day. But are you simply asking, or are you making a suggestion?"

He shrugged innocently, unsure how to reply to the question. He would love to live with her, but judging by her gesture, he assumed that she was leaning against it. But he didn't want to jump to conclusions too early. It was just an assumption anyway. He could be wrong. So he replied, "If you are okay with it, we can start planning about it. We spent a lot of time at each other's places anyway. It wouldn't be too complicated, right?" His last words sounded as if he doubted his own idea.

She was pretty sure it was just a question, prompted by curiosity. However, she was well aware that moving in together wasn't as simple as it seemed. It wasn't like having new roommates at college. It was about a shared responsibility – from doing laundry to paying bills and maintaining their sense of self at the same time. She totally understood the commitment that came with it. The main concern she had about moving in together was the sharing of spaces. It didn't matter how long you knew a person, you would definitely learn new things about them, both good and bad when you lived together. It would affect their compatibility. As much as the idea seemed exciting, the reality would be less so. Previous relationships had taught her that when two individuals living under the same roof, it could create personal conflict that didn't exist when they lived separately. She slipped out of his embrace and sat beside him on the couch. "I know that we spent a lot of time at each other's places, but we shouldn't decide to move in together out of convenience."

"You don't like the idea?" His tone was cold and inquisitive. From her answer, he couldn't really tell if she didn't like the idea entirely or if she was reluctant. Was it the commitment? Though he was slightly offended, he was also curious about why she responded the way she did. It wasn't the response he was expecting, but he tried not to make it a big deal. If she wasn't comfortable with the idea, he wouldn't push it. He didn't ask the question because he was curious; he was actually considering the next step in their relationship. However, after seeing the reaction, he chose not to say anything more than was necessary. For now, he just wanted to know what she thought of the idea. If she flatly opposes it, he should take that as a sign that he shouldn't pursue it any further. Would it break his heart? Yes. But she must have had a reason for it.

She closed her eyes briefly as she slowly inhaled. She hated his tone of voice, but she understood why he spoke in such manner. She liked the idea, but she was being cautious. "Honestly, I'm not against the idea..." Her voice trailed off as she was pondering the right words to explain. Her voice was quiet and shaky.

"But?" He asked, cocking one eyebrow. It seemed like the conversation was about to devolve into a serious discussion.

"We've known each other since we were teenagers. We've been best friends, frenemies, music collaborators, business partners, and eventually a couple. We've seen each other at our best and worst, clothed and naked. So technically, moving in together isn't a bad idea. But, if we decide on it, there are things we need to work out carefully."

"Things like what?" Now it got his interest.

"Things like personal space. Don't get me wrong, okay. I love having you around. We're comfortable with each other, whether in my house or in yours. But living together is different. My main concern is when we are in working mode. We can be pretty nasty to each other, especially when we have creative differences. So, we need some personal space from time to time. Otherwise, we may end up in a big fight that lasts for days or maybe weeks. You know how persistent we both can be. I don't want that and I don't like that." She heaved a sigh. "And I'm also concern about our irregular schedule. Our careers would take us apart most of the time. So we may have to spend the most of our time alone in the house, which will be hard for me because I'm pretty sure I'll be used to having you around. So it kind of contradicts the idea of living together, doesn't it?" She shrugged.

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