Part 14

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"I kissed you for the first time in this house. Then you said you were with somebody, but the truth was you were just afraid to jump into a relationship with your best friend. I left that night with the thought that I made the stupidest mistake, but I didn't regret kissing you because with that kiss I knew we connect more than just a best friend. And our first time together... that was the most amazing night of my life. I was so happy to have you in my arms in the most intimate way possible and to call you mine." He said as he paced towards her. Each step he took was a careful one. He wanted her to listen to everything he had to say.

She tried to wrap her head around the whole exposure. She was confused. "H-how do you know that? Don't play like this, Nick. It's not even funny." Her heart pounded hard and fast. She felt something had happened to him, but she was not sure what. How can he remember the thing that was so personal? Those memories were exclusive to only both of them. It was impossible that he knew about their first kiss and their first intimate night from his family or his friends. Was his memory back? Or did he deliberately say so that she could forget the hurt he caused? What kind of mind game he was playing now?

He moved a few steps forward. "After you left my house, looking so hurt, I can't help but feeling guilty. I was being disrespectful to you. I was rude for thinking I could kiss you just because I have feeling for you while I can't even remember who you are. I'm not Nick you're dating. I'm a stranger. The guilt is slowly eating up my sanity and when I realized I could lose you forever, it was too late. I was running after you, but you're gone. I was sure I wouldn't have another chance to fix whatever damage I've done to you." He swallowed hard and continued, "Suddenly my head was pounding, my chest felt so tight, I can't breathe. At that moment in time, memory after memory flashed in my head. I saw you vividly in my mind." He stood in front of her and looked deep in her eyes. "You."

Her lips quivered and she had to swallow hard before she spoke, "S-so you really remember m-me?" She looked in his eyes, searched for the truth and all she could see was the honesty in his chocolate orbs.

"There are a few times I've wondered, why the memory of my best friend and my lover were faded from my brain in spite of her is the most important person in my life? Why you? Why not other less important person or things? I finally got the answer. Now I understand why out of so many things in my head, I lost the memory of you. It's because you are the last person on my mind before I lost my consciousness because of the accident. You are always in my mind, no matter what the situation. It's you, Demi." He carefully took her hands and held them in his. Tears welled in his eyes and he was fighting them from falling.

She couldn't hold her tears anymore and another episode of crying started again. She lunged herself to him, wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. She was a sobbing mess as she buried her face in his chest. She'd been waiting for that day to happen and finally it happened. The memory he once lost was finally coming back and she couldn't be happier. "I missed you so much." She said in between the sob.

He tenderly stroked her back as he buried his face in her wavy hair. "I missed you too." He muffled softly.

After a long tender hug, she slowly pulled away and glanced up at him with her eyes still wet with tears. She sniffed and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"No, you're not. I'm here." He caressed the side of her face gently to affirm that it was real. There was a glint of guilt in his eyes as he looked at her. "I'm sorry for every hurtful thing I've said or done to you. I'm sorry I forgot you."

She leaned into his hand that touched her face. She closed her eyes briefly as she felt the warmth of his hand, confirming that she was indeed not dreaming. Her heart soared with contentment. She opened her eyes and another set of tears fell. "You come back to me."

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