Part 23

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Five days later.

Demi had made a complete mess of her room while trying to find the best outfit for her parents' anniversary party. She was with her assistant, Kelsey, discussing what she should wear to the party while mixing and matching countless clothes from her walk-in closet.

"I have three hours left before the party and I can't find the right dress." Demi had her hands on her hips, feeling annoyed.

"D, relax. You're going to your parents' anniversary party, not Met Gala. And you'll look amazing in anything you wear." Kelsey rolled her eyes as she watched Demi rummage through her wardrobe. Demi's fussing over an outfit for a family gathering was beyond her understanding. For all she knew, Demi Lovato could pull off any look she wanted.

"Today's party is to celebrate my parents' anniversary, and I don't want to be the center of attention. So my dress shouldn't be too eye-catching." Demi explained as she threw a skirt on the floor. She wanted a casual look that wasn't too grand but also wasn't boring or too simple.

"They are parents of a famous celebrity. They will understand if you get all the attention. Anyway, if that's the case, why don't you go with a blouse and skinny jeans?" Kelsey suggested.

"Too casual."

"Little black dress? V-neck dress?"

"Too boring and too revealing."

Kelsey huffed, slightly frustrated that Demi had rejected all of her suggestions. Then she remembered a few dresses she knew would look great on Demi and be suitable for the occasion. "Okay, listen." She shouted, attracting Demi's attention. When Demi's focus returned to her, Kelsey said, "Why don't you take a break, have a drink, eat some ice cream to calm your nerves and let me see what I can come up with from this mess." Kelsey gestured to Demi's messy wardrobe before shooing the brunette out of the room.

Demi sighed heavily as she scanned the mess she had made before leaving the room. She had no idea what her assistant would find in her wardrobe. She walked down the stairs, feeling stressed. Why do women have a closet full of clothes but still have nothing to wear?

Twenty minutes later, Kelsey found Demi sitting in the kitchen, sipping a glass of cranberry juice. She walked into the kitchen with a garment bag and a faint smile on her face. Demi raised an eyebrow at her assistant when she stood across from her. "As you previously stated, LBD can be boring, but with the right styling, it can be versatile and trendy. So here's the dress I think is best suited for you to wear to your parents' anniversary party, which is not too boring or too casual or too revealing." She unzipped the garment bag to reveal a sleeveless black dress with lace embroidery.

Demi gasped when Kelsey showed the dress. "Where did you find the dress?"

"This dress was buried deep within your wardrobe. Thanks to you for wrecking your wardrobe, it makes it easy for me to discover this masterpiece." Kelsey laid the dress in front of Demi. From Demi's expression, she knew Demi liked it. "So, what do you think? Is it a go or no go?" She raised an eyebrow at Demi, mimicking the singer's countenance from a few minutes ago.

"It's definitely a go!" Demi's face lit up as she rose from the stool and hugged Kelsey. "You're a lifesaver."

"I know." Kelsey smirked proudly at her choice. "You have uhm..." She glanced at her watch and continued "...less than two hours before Nick arrives to pick you up. So, let's get you ready."

Demi shuffled back to her room to get ready with Kelsey trailing behind her. Forty five minutes later, Demi was ready and was putting the final touches on her makeup. She looked stunning in that dress, which was enhanced by the addition of black ankle strap platform heels.

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