Part 7

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If the thought of losing him was hard enough to bear, now this was another blow and it was totally unbearable.

Demi covered her mouth with her hands, trying to stifle the sob that was eager to come out. Her heart broke again, and this time the pain was severe. Tears fell from her eyes like a waterfall. Marissa held onto Demi to prevent her from collapsing.

"You don't remember Demi?" Denise asked her son with a serious furrow on her forehead. She couldn't believe what had just happened. How come her son couldn't remember his own girlfriend? The girl he was so deeply in love with and the girl that got him so excited when he spoke her name.

Sighing silently, Dr. Clarkson took out the medical pen light from his front pocket and moved forward to Nick. He pointed the light at Nick's left eye, then at his right eye. He watched Nick intensely but with a calm manner. He cleared his throat. "Can you tell me your full name, your birthday, and your family member?"

"My name is Nicholas Jerry Jonas. I was born on September 16, 1992." Nick answered, but his forehead was creased as he tried to remember more. He glanced over Dr. Clarkson's shoulder and blinked a few times. "They're my parents." He gestured to Denise and Paul with his eyes.

"Do you remember anything else?" Dr. Clarkson's face was full of doubt when he asked Nick like he knew it was a sign of something bad.

Nick looked at Dr. Clarkson with empty eyes as he shook his head. "That's all I can remember."

"Doctor, what happened to my son?" Paul spoke up. Worry was laced in his voice. Denise stood in silence by her husband's side, speechless at what she had just heard.

Dr. Clarkson glanced at Paul and raised a hand, asking him to be patient. He turned his attention back to Nick. "Are you sure you don't remember anything else? You don't recognize her?" He pointed at Demi.

Nick shook his head again, slowly as he looked at the doctor. "No. I don't." He replied in a quiet voice and then moved his eyes to look at Demi. Something in his gaze was sort of telling that he was trying hard to remember the brunette who was standing in front of him.

Upon hearing that, Demi stormed off from the room. She couldn't stay in the room any longer, especially when the person mattered the most in her life couldn't recognize her. When Demi ran off from the room, Marissa was surprised. "Demi," She called and ran after her.

When the door closed, Nick felt a pang of guilt in his heart, but he couldn't comprehend why. He somehow knew he caused such heartache to the girl. He was the reason she acted such a way. But why did she look so sad? He shut his eyes tightly, trying to collate all the mess in his head at that moment.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jonas, may I talk to both of you for a minute?" The doctor turned to Paul and Denise and motioned them to the corner of the room.

Outside the room, Demi was standing in front of the elevator, pressing the button impatiently as Marissa approached her. "Dem, where are you going?"

"I can't stay here anymore. I can't. I want to go home." Demi said in between the sobs, shaking her head repeatedly. She wiped her damp eyes and marched along the hallway. "I lost my Nick. What's the point of being here if he can't remember me?"

"Demi, you didn't lose him. He's still there. He just needs some time to recover. There must be a reason for what happened to him." Marissa tried to calm her friend.

"What reason?" Demi asked with a shaky voice. "I'm his girlfriend, and he has no memory of me at all. I'm tired and crushed, Marissa. Every day and night, I prayed he would wake up and everything would get back to normal. Now, I don't know anymore. Maybe I got my hopes too high. Maybe we weren't meant to be together."

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