Part 3

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A/N – I was inspired to write this chapter by a song 'Loneliness' by Babyface.

I'm sitting here
Thinking bout
How I'm gonna do without you around in my life
And how am I gonna get by

I ain't got no days
Just lonely nights

You want the truth
Well girl I'm not alright
Feel out of place and out of time
I think I'm gonna lose my mind

Demi curled up on the couch, hugging her legs close to her body. The crying stopped, but her chest was still hurting. She stared at her phone on the coffee table, hoping Nick would call and say he was fine. However, as the day turned to night, there was still no update on his whereabouts.

She took a deep breath before slowly let it out. She looked around the house, feeling so empty. She couldn't take her thoughts away from her boyfriend. Every corner of this place reminded her of him. Unknowingly, a new set of tears streamed down her cheeks. A moment later, she heard a faint knock on her door. She stood up and lazily walked to the front door. It was Marissa. When she saw her, she burst into tears and tightly hugged her best friend. After they were released from their embrace, Marissa followed Demi into the living room. Demi sat in the same spot she'd been sitting for the past few hours, with Marissa seated next to her, placing her hand on Demi's back.

"Have you eaten?" Marissa asked.

Demi shook her head, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. She was completely uninterested in food at the time. All she cared about was Nick.

"Phil informed me that the search is ongoing. They'll find him soon. Don't worry." Marissa said as she gently rubbed Demi's back.

"What if..." Demi's voice trailed off. She was afraid to say what was on her mind. She took a swallow. "What if I never see him again? What if I don't have the chance to apologize for what I've done? What if I never get a chance to tell him I love him? And what if..."

"Demi, stop." Marissa cut her off. "Don't assume the unknown."

"I'm scared." She looked at her with emptiness in her eyes. "I've been through a lot in my life, but I've never felt more terrified and helpless than I do right now. I can't lose him, Riss. I'm going insane." She buried her face in her hands.

"Aww Demi." Marissa moved closer to the brunette and wrapped her arms around her. "Let's pray he will be okay."

Marissa decided to spend the night with her best friend. Demi needed someone by her side right now. They spent the entire night worrying about Nick, and Marissa couldn't do much to comfort her best friend. Demi even cried herself to sleep. She even called Nick's name in her sleep. Seeing her best friend in such a state broke her heart. Demi cried when she broke up with her previous boyfriend, but she saw a whole new side of Demi tonight. She had never seen Demi so vulnerable in all her years of knowing the brunette. If the thought of losing him was enough to break Demi's heart, what would happen if they couldn't find him? Or even worst, what if he was gone for good? Marissa shook her head, shaking off the worst-case scenario that had entered her mind. She silently prayed to God to keep Nick safe no matter where he was.


I miss your face
I miss your kiss
I even miss the arguments
That we would have from time to time
I miss you standing by my side
I'm dying here, It's clear to see
There ain't no you, God knows there ain't no me
Don't wanna live, I wanna die
If I can't have you in my life

Demi slowly opened her eyes as the heat of the morning sun hit her face. She sat up on the couch and looked around; everything was the same, except for the blonde girl making coffee in the kitchen. She slowly stood up and made her way to the bedroom, where she was greeted by the blonde.

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