Part 10

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Suddenly he felt a pang of pain in the front of his head. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to ease the pain, but it seemed useless. He put two fingers on the side of his temple, but the pain was getting excruciating as the second passed by. "My head..." He mumbled as he lost his balance and tripped on the edge of the bed.

Demi quickly turned around when she heard a thud. "Nick!" She ran to him and sat next to him while he wailed from the pain. "Oh my God, what happened?" She started to panic. "Mom! Dad!" She screamed.

"My head's h-hurt... so bad." He held his head in both of his hands while squeezing his eyes tightly. Tears slowly streamed down from his eyes as he tried to endure the pain. He felt like his head was about to explode. "Argghhhh!" He cried. His body started to tremble.

"Nick, look at me." She demanded and she put her hands on both sides of his face, but he can't even seem to open his eyes. "Please, Nick." Her voice was shaking as panic has taken over her. She held him in her arms, on the floor, trying to calm him down. "Mom! Dad!" She shouted again.

A few minutes later, Demi's parents barged into the room and rushed to the duo on the floor. "Jesus, what's wrong with him?" The father asked. Dianna covered her mouth with her hand, shocked with the scene before her eyes.

"I don't know. He suddenly collapses and said his head's hurt. Help him, Dad." Demi tried to fight the tears that were stinging behind her eyes while still holding her boyfriend.

Eddie turned to his wife, who was standing next to him. "Call our family doctor. Tell him to come here, hurry!" He ordered and Dianna immediately stepped out of the room to do what she'd been told. "Now, help me take him to bed." He said to Demi.

With all might, both father daughter picked Nick up and let him settle on Demi's bed. Nick was still wailing from the pain in his head. Looking at the struggle he was in, tears unknowingly fell from Demi's eyes.

Minutes later, Demi's mother came into the room with the phone in her hand. She moved to her daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, sweetie. Dr. Stefan is on his way. He'll be fine." She comforted her daughter, although she wasn't sure of it herself. But seeing the tears in her daughter's eyes broke her heart. She knew how much Demi loves him and how important he was in her life. She then walked to her husband, stood beside him.

Demi tried her best to comfort him with her touch. "I'm here." She said as she held his hand. Nick didn't seem to be in less of a pain. His body was tense from enduring the pain. He was trembling and started sweating. As minutes passed, his body was getting weaker. The wailing and trembling was slowly subsiding, but Demi noticed that his body temperature rises up. "Oh my God, his body is heating."

He tried to mutter a word, but failed. The pain that was pounding in his head was too much. He tried to reach for Demi's hand, but his whole body felt numb. His eyes and head felt so heavy. He slowly slipped into unconsciousness, which making Demi worried even more.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Eddie went downstairs to get the door. He later came back to the room with Dr. Manuel Torres trailed behind him. A middle aged Latino, slim with dark hair with the height around 6 feet became De La Garza's family doctor ever since Demi's little sister was born. He was like an uncle to De La Garza's family members. He got into the room and immediately walked to the bed and put his medical bag on at the edge of it.

"Please help him." Demi exclaimed when she saw the doctor. She stood up and moved to stand next to her mother, letting the doctor do his thing.

"Your Dad said he got a severe headache and suddenly lost his consciousness. And he's also diabetic, right?" Dr. Torres asked Demi. His voice was deep and calm. As the family doctor, he had met Nick a couple of times.

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