Extra Story: Feng Jue

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Extra Story: Feng Jue (Past Life)

Feng Jue, Shangyang Fengshi Saburo.

Since he was a child, he has lived a carefree, golden and precious life.

According to a famous psychologist, there are five kinds of human needs from low to high-

physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respectful needs, and self-fulfillment needs.

Feng Jue was the youngest son of Dongqing's No. 1 dignitaries. He was spoiled by his elders since he was a child and grew up. There is no shortage of what he wants for what he needs. The psychologist said that satisfying the needs of a certain level naturally begins to yearn for the next level.

Feng Jue is naturally the same. He was born with what no one else could have, and the rest of his life is to pursue himself.

To put it more bluntly, this is a young man with a secondary illness, thinking about the impossibility of challenges all day long, and then taking his life a step further.

Of course, his soul is lonely.

Because the vulgar person cannot understand his pursuit and ambition.

At a time when chaos was frequently occurring in the world, Feng Jue refused the letter from his elder brother and second brother to send him home and squatted by mail, so he had to look for the "Ming Master". Don't say what the two brothers are in, anyway, Feng Jue's book boy is a little broken and wants to cry, tears pattering.

Feng Jue's gray-headed and earthy-faced appearance, he sternly yelled at him.

"What are you crying? I'm so annoying, silence!" The

book boy cried even harder, his voice hoarse, and his tears changed from one by one to a torrential rain, which was sad.

He is not crying about how his family loves to die, he is distraught because he is about to die at a young age.

Yes, they are about to die at a young age_(:з)∠)_

Their master and servant were caught by a colony of bandits when they were going over the mountains, and they are now in the wood house of the bandits den.

The little book boy consciously had no hope of escape, so he naturally wanted to cry and cry.

The bandits who caught them were more fierce than the other. In short, the little book boy was very scared, but Feng Jue was too calm.

"What's the use of you crying?"

Shutong wailing , "San Lang, this place is so remote, if unfortunately,

I am afraid that the family will not know." Feng Jue said, "I didn't cry for your family, it's hard. If it doesn't take my life, can it be more humble than you?"

At this time, Feng Jue was young and energetic, with the arrogance of a noble youth, the book boy was speechless, but he did not dare to disobey.

Without him, Feng Jue would not have been caught if it wasn't for the book boy to drag him back.

Its just that the book boy was frightened by the bandits who jumped out. He kept picking Feng Jue, making him unable to draw his sword, and causing Feng Jue to be captured by the bandits.

In short, the book boy is very scared now, for fear that he would be killed by the angry Feng Jue before he died in the hands of the bandits.

"Yes, I'm sorry Lang Jun--the slave didn't mean to be dragged down--"

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