The princess lost her hope

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Athanasia POV
Im 16 years old now , two years have past since jennete enter the palace ,she has already become the real princess of the palace  , everyone love her and respect her
I too love her she is kind hearted , its just that sometimes... i cant help but be a little jealous .

"you look really beautiful tonight princess" Lily said to me with a gentel smile

"thank you lily" i replied  with a smile

today is daddy's birthday ,a ball is held in the palace , i dressed up to go to the party with a gift for dad .
I hope he will like it.

"I'm sure his majesty will really love your gift princess " Lily tried to calm me as if she guessed what i was thinking .

"yes i hope so too "

I get in the carriage to go to the party  ,i didn't have any escort since im "the forgotten princess" that isen't love by his majesty the empror

"its alright I m sure daddy will be less cold tonight " i said with such a determination

I still have hope , they say that you musnt give up if you want something

"princess athanasia we'r arrived "

I get down from the carriage and walked in the hall .

A . this is daddy !!

i notice daddy walking in the hall with sir roben by his side 

"dad !" i try to get his attention but what face me was a cold and disgust face .

its okay ,its okay.

I tried to calm my heart even if i was scared in the inside
its okay ,he is still my dad

"it's you again , you are really persistant you wench " dad said such hurtful words  with a moking voice .

"dad  i wish you a happy birthday , on this honorable day i wanted to give you a gif-"

" the only gift that you can give me right now is to never show me your face again "
" sir such words.!" sir roben said while glacing at me with pity .


"how long are you going to call me that? , how many times should i tell you that i m not your father ans never will be , you kept on annoying me with your face , you b**h should just disappear already ."


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"I don't understand why do you hate me soo much ?! did i do something wrong ?!tell me dad what did i do ?? why do you hate me while you love jennete so much , its not like im asking to be more loved just a littel bit is enough!!!!!!"I said with te...

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"I don't understand why do you hate me soo much ?! did i do something wrong ?!
tell me dad what did i do ?? why do you hate me while you love jennete so much , its not like im asking to be more loved just a littel bit is enough!!!!!!"
I said with tears in my eyes .
"now you'r me acting like a pet who need attention ? you're really annoying."

those are questions that always kept bothering me ,I wanted answers but what i get was another cold look.
the look of somone powerful looking down on a weak creature .

"daddyyyyy!!!"  a sweet voice come from a littel far it was " the lovely princess"

" daddy you're here "
"don't run you will fall" the cold look that i received become warm and gentel"

"yes im sorry i missed you ,I prepared a gift for you daddy "

" I told you that the flowers you give me in the morning was enough " claude said without a second hesitation.

when it was me ..
"the only think you can give me right now is to never show me your face again "
it was at this moment....
"athanasia you'r here , im sorry i was so excited that i didnt notice you , since you're here lets go to the banquet together like a family "said jennete with an angelic smile like always

"no it's okay , i dont feel well so i will head back "

" really? now that you say it you look pale , maybe you should rest a little , i will visit you later " she said with a worry face

claude look at me coldly again

it was at this moment ..

that i understant that i can't have my father love no matter how much i worked

i lost hope .

I understood that sometimes it's better to give up and turn to another thing to be happy

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