"together forever " [the end ]

114 7 2

athanasia POV

2years have passed already .

although they weren't really peaceful for me since I kept on working all day without rest .

after that "incident " with warren and all , we had so much work to do. like repairing the palace , taking care of those greedy nobels who seized the chance of this incident to remove claude .

of course they weren't able to do that but still it was annoying .

we also discovered that warren had been kidnapping children to do all kind of experiences on them , most of them were commoners or illigimate children of the nobels .

the one who discovered that was jennete when she was kidnnaped ,she was even able to found all the evidence we needed to prove warren's subordinates guilty . she is quite impressive .

well lord noctem wanted her to rest more but she didnt want to so , he gave up and just watched over her . he seems to care for her a lot ,I wonder if they love each other ?

well I do hope so ,jennete deserve someone who love her sincerely.

speaking of couples , me and lucas got engaged 1 year ago and we got married just recently . we still live together in the ruby palace ,the only diffrence is that we sleep in the same room .

my relationship with claude has gotten a bit better , we still argue somtimes and glare at each other from time to time but we both respect each other and we even complain together because of all the work.

even if it's impossible to have a lovely father-daugther relationship , I think we managed to be friends .......I think.

but today there is going to be a big change for obelia and me .

today ,Im no longer the crown princess

I m empress of obelia

{empress athanasia de alger obelia}

" hurry up everyone !! today is an important day everything need to be perfect do you hear me !!!!?? I dont want a single mistake!!" lily said to the maids who kept on moving without stopping for a second

although Im grateful for them and I know its an important day .....I kind of feel like a doll or un object who is being decorated .

it's been 5 hours I'm tired.....and I didnt eat anything !!!

" lily....dont you think this is too much? "

" of course not !!! you need to be perfect your highness !!"

" yes princess ,miss lilian is right!"

" that's right just let us do our work ! you will be the most beautiful empress in the world !!"

I laughed a bit

they helped me dress up

they helped me dress up

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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