Athy vs ijekiel

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athanasia POV:

" I wanted to ask you for a duel again ijekiel" roger with a smile on his face asked me for a duel at swords.


it benefits me .

when I win ,I will show the others my strength which will help me become the crown princess.

" what would I gain from fighting your son duke?" I asked with a neutral face. no emotion on my face.

" let's make a bet your highness ,if you win you can ask me anything you want." roger said still smiling.

" then what do you want from me?"

" if princess athanasia lose , then I would like from you to give the sword his excellency made to ijekiel"

hummm. so he want the sword lucas gave me.


I smirk .

" why not duke ? I dont mind at all ." I said .

" really ?this is a good news ."

" yes , alright then let's fight tomorow afternoon." I said that and turn around ready to leave with my two knights behind me.

" yes your highness, blessing and glory upon the sun of the obelia empire ." he bow down .

it's funny he is watching his mouth now

in the past it wasnt like that at all.

flash back :

" I need to hurry ! before dad leaves for his duties."

I was around 12 at that time .

I wanted to greet claude before his meeting.

I still remember that day.

I bumped into someone.. was roger .

" I-I m sorry!"

" princess athanasia ? what kind of etiquette is this ? running and bumping into someone ,... you should be more like our jennete ."

I was hurt and scared .

" sorry..."

" maybe it's because of this that his majesty prefer princess jennete over you."he said that with a smile.

I'm sure to him ,it wasnt to hurt me but to tell me my place.

to understand the fact that I can never take jennete position but....

as a 10 years old ,I didnt care about position or anything like that .

I just wanted to have a parent who cherish me and be proud of me .

his words hurt me so much..

with this I return to the ruby palace my heart full of saddness.

end of flash back

back then he was arrogant and rude .

how can you talk like that to a littel child?!

this guy will always stay in jennete's side ....


if jennete will be of no help to him..

will he abondon her ?

at night:

" you're going to have a fight with doggy junior?" lucas asked ,a fork in his hand.

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